IV || Your Bittersweet Voice

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You immediately felt embarrassed. Did he actually hear you? Dear Gods.

"I um... Uh, thank you." You somehow managed to reply quietly, awkwardly.

Link didn't seem to pay any mind to it. He chuckled lightly at your reaction before softly saying, "I know this is kind of a strange request to ask of you, but do you think you could sing for me?"

You did a double-take, completely caught off guard by the nature of his request.

Link felt a rush of panic when you didn't respond right away. He gritted his teeth nervously, scratched the back of his head, and tried again. "It's just... When I heard you earlier, it filled me with this unexplainable feeling. It was like magic."

You watched him oh-so-carefully, your sharp eyes catching every slight angle of his actions. You couldn't help but smile sadly as the memories of your past lives flashed before your eyes.

Even their habits were all the same.

In that instant, the profound and timeless love you held for the man came rushing back all at once. It was more intense than ever. It was like you were experiencing the intensity of the love you've held for him in each lifetime.

You giggled, suddenly regretting your vow to ignore your destiny. How could you? When you loved him so deeply?

Perhaps this time... This Link would finally return your feelings.

"I'd love to sing for you, Link."

Link furrowed his brows in confusion. Had he told you his name before? He was pretty sure the two of you've never even been properly introduced. He didn't think too much about it, figuring you probably just overheard it from someone else.

It was like the world had come to a complete stop when you started singing. Your soft, innocent voice spilled over the area. In an instant, all ears became captive to your song. Conversations between people were put on hold, and words faded to nothing. All the villagers within the vicinity stopped whatever they were doing, becoming completely entranced by the foreign, beautiful voice that filled the night air.

The song you were currently singing was like a story: depicting the unlikeliest of heroes' journey. This courageous warrior, through his tears and blood, fought for the sake of his loved ones. He stumbled and fell but always got up. Even though the darkest of times, he always managed to light a path that led him towards a happy future.

When you had finished singing, Link witnessed probably the most remarkable thing of his entire lifetime. The group of men with who he had been formerly conversing suddenly had their hopes renewed. Just minutes ago, they were feeling down and depressed, but now they were filled with determination. The exhaustion seemed to have vanished, replaced by a fire of courage blazing within their eyes.

"We're going out again to look for survivors!" The head of the group, Rusl, announced in a strong voice. "We can't give up right now, not when there could be people out there!"

"Yeah!" Another villager cheered, "we're going to rescue them all!"

Then the group of men set off, back into the dark forest with magically renewed vigor.

Once he returned to his senses, Link turned towards you with a surprised look on his face. "Did you do that?"

You smiled at him knowingly but proceeded to shrug instead of giving him a direct answer. Link narrowed his eyes suspiciously, but he couldn't help but slyly grin at your playful nature.

"Hello there! Would you like some food?"

You blinked in surprise. The spell that had been previously woven over you and Link was suddenly broken. You found yourself practically cross-eyed, staring at a wooden bowl full of porridge that was forcibly pushed into your face.

Eternity [Link x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt