#22, Throwing beer bottles

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Too distracted by reprimanding herself, Tamira didn't notice Neymar standing behind her after he carefully shut the door. She was standing right in the middle of the hallway, her back to the room, and Neymar couldn't stop his gaze wandering from her ridiculous orange socks all the way up to the messy ponytail she kept her dark hair in.

He cleared his throat, uncomfortable with the rising silence and way too aware of her presence in his house, now more than ever before these past few days.

"So, uh," Neymar said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Wanna go back to the living room? Watch another movie?"

Tamira quickly turned around, jumping in surprise. "Yeah, sure," was all she managed to say. They hadn't bothered with the lights before, the lights from the hallway downstairs offering enough to see their way to Davi's room. Now Tamira was glad for the semi-darkness, because she could feel her cheeks burn and she just knew that she was blushing.

Stupid, stupid hormones!, she thought, seeing the fault in her rising nervousness clearly in the loving father-son picture she'd witnessed just now.

The went back to the living room in silence, and while she busied herself with looking through the possible movie choices on Neymar's laptop that was connected to the TV slash beamer showing the videos on a white board thingy hanging from the ceiling (because why would you want a normal TV? That's so... normal!), the Brazilian had disappeared into the kitchen. She could hear him shuffling through the cabinets, gathering what turned out to be a couple of beer bottles and snacks when he returned to the room.

Tamira's eyebrows rose in astonishment. "You planning a party or what?" she asked, relieving Neymar of some of the stuff in his hands, arms - and teeth, since he had bit into one of the chips packages. Why go twice when you can risk letting it all fall to the ground by going once?

He shrugged once everything was scattered on the living room table, grabbing a bottle of beer and opening it. He offered the bottle to her but Tamira shook her head, only too reminded of their interaction on the boat a while back. She eyed him incredulously. Was he really serious about the alcohol?

"What?" Neymar asked her, catching her staring. He tilted his head, a wolfish grin starting to spread on his face. "Oh! Don't worry, I can hold my own." To prove his point, he took a sip from the bottle, smiling contently.

She raised an eyebrow at that. "Like I care. Knock yourself out for all I care", she replied, grabbing a bottle herself and sitting down on the other end of the couch. She pressed play and the movie started.

Neymar groaned. "Of course it had to be a romantic comedy."

"You told me to pick a movie, now live with the consequences!" Tamira retorted. "Now be quiet and let me enjoy at least one sexy dude in here."

Neymar scoffed. "You did not just call Vince Vaughn sexy. Vince Vaughn is not sexy."

Tamira shrugged. "As if you know what I find sexy in a man."

He laughed. "Certainly not what that guy offers."

"Oh, and you're the expert on what's sexy in a dude." Shaking her head, she took a large gulp of beer and concentrated on the movie, ignoring his arrogant "Yeah, I am!" But when she glanced over to him, she found a smug expression on his face. She bit her lip and downed the rest of the beer in huge gulps. Yeah, sue her, she'd emptied it pretty fast.

"Careful with your alcohol," Neymar said, grinning widely. "That's how things got started in the first place."

Tamira groaned and seriously contemplated throwing the empty beer bottle at his head. Realizing the consequences of that action would have been to drive him to the hospital due to a concussion or something else equally serious (never mind the fact she'd have to get out into the cold weather), she decided upon throwing the package of chips at him instead.

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