The interview from hell/H.S

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Requested by R5lover4everandever


540 words 😤


One direction was busy-extremely busy- and they hardly had time to sleep and for Harry it was much worse

Harry's point of view

"Harry, come on let's go" Louis told me as I stood up and followed him to the van, where the others was sat waiting for us

"Hey Haz, you ready for the interview" Niall asked

"Of course Ni" I responded as Liam went on about random stuff to Louis

"How long is the interview" Niall asked

"Well it will be half hour but then we have to perform home" Louis told us as I mentally groaned feeling a bit sick

"Boys, we're here" Mark told us as we all looked shocked

"But that only took 5 minutes" Liam gasped before we all jumped out and walked into the studio, straight to the dressing room so Lou could fuss over our hairs and luckily I was first

"Hey Haz, you ok" Lou asked as she grabbed a hair bobble

"Yes, thank you, what about you" I responded as she looked unconvinced but left it

"I'm good H" Lou spoke as she finished doing my hair

Skip to the interview

"Please welcome One Direction" The interviewer screamed as we walked out and said hello to her before sitting down

"Hello lads, my name is Libby" she told us

"So lads, how's tour" Libby asked

"Amazing" Niall responded with a big grin on his face

"What's your favourite song you have done" Libby questioned

As the interview carried on, I started getting a lot Dizzy and light headed for some reason, making it harder to speak

Skip to them on stage

"Here is One Direction singing home" Libby announced as the music started playing

Make a little conversation
So long I've been waiting
To let go of myself and feel alive

So many nights I thought it over
Told myself I kind of liked her
But there was something missing in her eyes

I was stumbling, looking in the dark (ohho)
With an empty- as I tried carrying on, I saw black dots come into my vision before everything went black

Louis point of view

As soon as I saw Harry collapse, I ran straight to him shouting to Liam to come and help

"Liam help me get him backstage, Niall go and get the medics to go to the dressing room" I ordered taking over Liam's role as Liam and I carried Harry backstage, where Niall and the paramedics was already there waiting for us

"Lie him on the sofa boys" One the medics ordered us as we nodded before gently placing Harry on the couch

After five minutes, the medics finally finished checking Harry over

"He passed out from dehydration and lack of sleep so just to let you know he probably won't wake up for an hour or so but as soon as he does make sure he drinks plenty of fluid" the medic told us before leaving the room

"Let's take him home" I told the other two as they nodded before Liam helped me carry Harry to the car and in home while Niall followed us

Harry was better the next day but had Louis on his about drinking enough

Hey guys hope you all ok, love u all xx

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