Nouis= Niall sick

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Today was the first show of the otra tour and to say Niall was nervous was an understatement.

“Ni, Angel wake up, we have to rehearse ready for our first show tonight” Louis excitedly said

“No Lou I’m tired” Niall tiredly spoke.

Louis laughed but pulled the blankets off Niall

“Lou Lou what was that for” Niall whined

“Because you wouldn’t get up” Louis said as Niall just huffed and climbed out of bed and changed out of his pjs and into a white t-shirt, skinny jeans and a pair of white vans

“Baby you look pale, are you ok” Louis asked

“Yea, just tired” Niall replied

“You sure angel” Louis asked

“No, my belly aches and I’m really nervous about the concert” Niall said

“Aww baby you’ll be okay as soon as you’re out there” Louis replied but boy was he wrong

They not long finished rehearsing and was getting ready for the concert which was in half hour when Niall felt his belly swooshing around and he instantly knew what was happening and ran straight to the bathroom and dropping down to his knees and leaning his head in the toilet throwing up everything he last eaten in 24 hour, this went on for a solid 5 minutes before Niall’s stomach had finally settled and Niall leaned against the plain white wall to catch his breath then he shakily stood up and walked over to the sink washing his face and hands before going back to the lads dressing room only to see an worried Louis, angry Liam and slightly concerned, slightly annoyed Harry and Zayn.

“Where have you been” Liam shouted

“Geez Li, calm down I only went to the bathroom” Niall simply said  

“And you didn’t even think about telling one of us” Liam shouted

“Well I’m sorry for not asking permission to go to the toilet, I didn’t know it was so important” Niall spoke as Louis came up to him and grabbed his hand. Liam took a deep breath realizing that this was a stupid fight and that Niall didn’t need to ask for the toilet but he knew there was more to it than going toilet

“I’m sorry Ni, I was just worried, I never meant to have a go at you” Liam sighed

“It’s okay Li, now let’s go we have a concert to do” Niall replied

Liam nodded and all of them went on stage starting their show, not even 10 minutes after they had started Niall’s belly started to make sickly growling noises and he dropped to his knees puking up, all the boys were by his side helping him up  and backstage to Mark.

“Lads go back on stage, one of the cleaners will clean the stage and I will take Niall back to the dressing room and ask Lou to look after him” The lads nodded and went on stage with the cleaners following behind them. Mark took Niall back to the dressing room and lying a now sleeping blonde on the couch then draping a blanket over his body.

“Hey Lou, can you look after Niall, he was sick onstage”

“Sure Mark” Lou said, Mark nodded as to say thanks then left to watch the others.

After Half hour Niall woke up and ran straight to the bathroom puking up, Lou was behind him rubbing his back until he was finished then she picked the poor blonde up and laid him back on the couch then leaving and returning with medicine, cold cloth, thermometer and a bucket.

“Ni, buddy can you open your mouth I need to take your temperature” Lou asked as she grabbed the thermometer and put it in Niall’s mouth waiting for it to beep and when it did Lou read it and it said 100.01, Lou gave Niall medicine then placed the wash cloth on his head and let him sleep. Niall was only woken to change into comfy clothes when they were back at the hotel and that was it. The next day Niall was all better.

hey guys so i have a week off school so i'm hopping to have a load off updates comming your way part from wednesday anyway hope ur okay and sorry if this was rubbish. ily all please send in more request btw thanks @mollyal2001 for requesting this

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