Faking sick= problems H.S + N.H

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Requested by Chanelle_1DAF


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It was a Monday morning when Harry woke up. He sighed momentarily. You know that moment when you wake up an all your worries are gone? That moment when your mind is totally bonkers?

That's the moment Harry loved the most, but sadly, it only lasted so long. He instantly remembered the long day they had ahead of them. Full of local interviews and meetings with management. They had to travel a long way and Harry decided that he wasn't up for it. So he wouldn't do it.

What is a way that everyone knows, to stay at home? That almost everyone, who went to school, has used? Faking being ill. Just easy as that. And that's what he did. He didn't do the drawing red dots on his face or the using cream to make him look pale, because everyone knows that trick. No, he would just go back to sleep, and be woken up by the boys. That's when he'll put his plan in action.

"Haz? Hazza? Wake up please?!" Louis shook Harry back and forth lightly, knowing Harry hated being woken up harsh. Harry's mind registered what happened fast and he rolled over, groaning fake while clutching his tummy.

"Uhhh... L-Lou, don' want to go." He looked with faux puppy eyes at the older lad, before bending forward to cough in his hands. He secretly licked the palm of his hand, making them alight moist. He had them under his pillow so they were quite cold.

"Aww, do you feel poorly, Haz?" Harrys started to nod fast but slowed down, remembering he was supposed to be ill. Luck was on his side today, because Louis hadn't noticed.

"Do you feel warm? Your throat does sound raspy..." Louis mindfully brought his arm up, but Harry used his clammy hands to stop him.

"Haz!? Your hands are so cold and sweaty, I think you've got a cold!" At that moment Liam walked in, hearing Louis voice he gasped surprised. Liam walked over to the two boys on the bed and sat beside Louis.

"Haz? Are you feeling cold? Want some blankets? Maybe some soup or lemonade to keep you hydrated?" Liam started fussing, looking for extra linen and asking Harry questions.

"Nah, 'm fine, I'll just sleep a bit more," Harry croaked out, smiling softly. He loved faking being ill. All the attention was on him and he was treated better than a prince.

Word spread and not long after, even management was aware of Harry's state. All the boys were non-stop fussing about Harry. Well, all except Niall, who was locked into the bathroom?

But nobody cared about him, because today was Harry's day, so he would be better by the time their first interview would be scheduled. Which is in three hours, at 10am. They all were up relatively early, but that was a good thing, because they would be wide awake by the time the interview started.

Harry was a bit sad, his plan didn't work entirely, because he still had to go with the boys to the venue. He wouldn't necessarily have to participate in any of their activities, just be there. But he was ok with that, deciding he would just sleep.

An hour later and the boys were still fussing about Harry. They brought him breakfast in bed and served him to his every needs. If Harry wanted his pillow to be fluffy, they would fluff it up. If he said he was cold, they would get him blankets. If he was warm, they would get him ice packs. Shortly said, everything needed to make the boy content.

Niall wanted to help. He really did. He wanted to be able to fuss over the youngest if their group like all the others, but he just didn't feel like he could even look at the light, without throwing up.

Besides, everyone who wasn't smitten for Harry could see he wasn't exactly as ill as he claimed to be. Sure, he looked tired and he had symptoms, but it just simply wasn't ill. Not that Niall wasn't smitten to Harry, but his eyes were too blinded by the light to see Harry's appearance so he had to trust the vibe coming from Harry.

Which definitely wasn't an ill vibe. Niall was sat in the corner of their main bedroom, which they shared. He watched over a sleeping Harry, while the other boys were out to get medicine. Niall had volunteered to stay, not wanting to go out, or seeming useless to the other boys.

Niall suddenly felt a wave of nausea coming over him and he jumped up, running into his own chair and the wall, out of dizziness, before reaching the toilet.

He emptied his stomach roughly in the white bowl.

Harry woke up from the loud noises and it took him only seconds to recognize what was happening. He was the only one out of his boyfriends that noticed Niall not looking so well, but didn't say anything, wanting to keep everyone's attention on him.

So that's what he kept doing, he acted as if nothing happened.

Niall felt awful. His whole body was sore and he couldn't look anywhere without getting nauseous.

It was time for the boys to get in the car, to go to the venue, unfortunately Harry still was acting sick, and it was decided that he wouldn't have to participate in at least the first couple interviews.

Niall decided he would tell Liam how he felt. Hoping Liam would understand.

Besides, it was what Liam wanted him to do, to tell Liam whenever he felt off.

"Liam? Li? I don't feel so good." Niall looked Liam in the eye, trying to get his attention.

"C'mon Ni. Don't be a baby. Just because Harry is feeling ill, doesn't give you a reason to complain. One ill person is enough, you just got to go through a couple interviews. You won't get to speak much anyway," Liam declared to Niall.

It hurt Niall, what Liam said. But it was true, so Niall sucked his complains up and didn't talk to any of the boys till they arrived at the venue.

It wasn't entirely the boys their fault that he didn't speak, because his throat felt like sand paper, but Niall blamed them nevertheless.

Niall just wasn't up to Harry's fake coughing, or Liam's poor attempts to be funny about it.

It wasn't until the second interview that Harry noticed the change in Niall's mood, or the odd way Niall shifted and winced silently when he did.

Harry knew that the other boys didn't notice, but he wasn't going to blow his own cover, anyway.

In the middle of the third interview took the strange event place.

This interviewer wasn't really being busy with personal things, meaning Niall had time to zone out. Well that was until they had to do this funny challenge again.

Both Harry and Niall had already done it, but the other boys were excited to try it too. Harry wasn't participating, because of his "condition".

When the boys turned to Niall, they saw him asleep. Laughing they shook him awake and they started the famous "Chubby Bunny" challenge.

But after a couple rounds the boys were just stuffing the marshmallows in their mouths.

The boys were startled by loud coughing, though.

All the people in the studio turned to Harry, but he was sitting still, looking bewildered and flustered with all the attention on him.

The coughing stooped, a bit too suddenly. Slowly everyone's gaze drifted to the small blonde.

To everyone's shock, he lay motionless on the smooth white floor.

Red fluids seeped out of his mouth, colouring the floor a deep coloured puddle forming and staining the marble tools. Liam slapped his hand on his mouth.

The blonde had told him! He warns him about feeling off, and Liam brushed it off! Harry felt guilt seep through him.

He knew, he knew all along and decided to be selfish and not speak up about it. He let his covet blow and jumped up, giving orders about calling an ambulance while picking Niall up.

Once the paramedics put Niall in the ambulance he was raced to the hospital.


Hey guys so fostering is now a book,also I only have two more days at school so can't wait until I get more updates out anyway hope ur all ok ily all xx

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