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Requested by Niam_is_life_123


1143 words


Liam's pov

We were currently in rehearsals ready for our first show in Cardiff, Harry and Louis was currently in the corner of the room speaking quietly to each, while Niall and I were on the sofa, Niall lying on my lap asleep which was very weird for him considering he is normally the one jumping around screaming but for some reason the pass four days Niall has been really quiet and I noticed he hasn't eaten much.

"Earth to Liam" Louis shouted causing me to give him a death glare

"yes" I spoke

"Shall we start recording" Louis asked

"Sure, let me wake Niall up"

"Don't need to he's already awake, aren't u mate" Louis replied

"Yea Lou" Niall yawned as he sat up

"You ok Ni" I asked

"Yea, tired still though" Niall replied rubbing his eyes

"Aw babe, let's practice and then we can all go to the bus and you can go to sleep" I told him as I helped him up before we walked over to the other two and started practicing all our songs in different order which was

(Randomly made)

1: What makes you beautiful
2: live while we're young
3: better than words
4: clouds
5: tell me a lie
6: over again
7: Diana
8: No control
9: Moments
10: Little things
11: Don't forget where you belong
12: night changes

"Right before you all start rehearsing we have to organize who is singing Zayn's solos and what songs" management told us

"Sure" I told them as the others nodded

When I looked at Niall, he was holding his stomach with pain written all over his face but before I could ask if he was okay, our management was telling us who sings what

Niall's pov

While Management was telling us who was singing Zayn's line, I started feeling sick again

You see the past four days I've been having diarrhea, not into my food and I've also been feeling sick but I haven't told Liam or the others because they would make me miss tomorrows concert and I can't let that happen at all so I kept quiet but I know I'm going to regret it soon like always but I'll take it as it comes.

"Niall, Niall" our management shouted

"What" I asked

"Was you even listening" management asked

"Yes I was" I replied

"Right anyway as we spent an hour going through songs, you only have to practice four songs than you may go" a lady told us before speaking to someone else

"Right what do you want to do first" Liam asked

I would love to do a song where I can sleep I thought but was knocked out of it by a sharp stabbing pain on the right side of my belly which made me fall

"Niall you ok" Louis asked coming to me

"I don't know Lou" I said as I tried to sit up only to be knocked down again by the pain which made me start crying causing Harry and Liam to run over

"Ni babe you okay" Liam asked

"No Li, my belly hurts on the right side loads" I replied before I started to feel light headed and then everything went black...

Louis's pov

After Liam asked what song we wanted to do, I looked at Niall to see him go pale and than fall straight on the ground so I quickly walked to him

"Niall you ok" I asked

"I don't know Lou" he replied as he tried to sit up but fell back down crying, which made Liam and Harry run to us

"Ni babe you ok" Liam asked

"No Li, my belly hurts on the right side loads" Niall replied before he fainted

"Oh god, Harry call me an ambulance, Liam go and get Paul" I ordered them as both boys ran out the room and not a minute later Paul and Liam came back in

"So what's happened" Paul asked

"Well Niall fell down so I went to him and asked if he was okay and he said he didn't know while trying to sit up but fell down crying which made Harry and Liam come running over and Liam asked if Niall was okay and he said his right side was hurting him loads then he fainted" I explained to Paul just as Harry came in with paramedics who quickly went and put Niall on a stretcher before rushing outside us following

"Who wants to ride with us" one the medics asked

"Liam" we all said as Liam climbed in and then they left just as we climbed into the van following them


Harry's pov

As soon as we arrived we rushed in seeing Liam by the desk just standing there

"Liam" we shouted at him which made him look over and run to us

"What have they said" Louis asked

"He's in the operating theater because he has appendix and if we didn't get him here in time he would have been died but he's lucky the doctor said" Liam told us

"How long will the operation be" I asked

"Don't know doctor didn't say Haz" Liam told me as I nodded before going on Twitter

"Hey guys shall we tweet about Niall being in hospital and the concert are delayed" I asked as the other two nodded getting out there phones and logging into Twitter

We all put "hey guys sorry but for a while the concert are going to be delayed because Niall is in hospital ill and in a lot of pain thank u for understanding lots of love xx"

Just as we tweeted it, Paul came in

"Where is he"

"Theater" we all said as he nodded before we all sat in quite for twenty minutes before the doctor came out

"Niall Horan" the doctor said making us all stand up

"Niall is a lucky lad, we had to take his appendix out so he might be in pain for a while but he is okay now just bed rest for the week and we would also like to keep him in for the night but u can all stay if u would like to follow me" the doctor said leading us to Niall's room where he was half awake which made us run to him

"Ni" we all shouted making him giggle a bit

"Please tell us next time you feel ill" I told him as he nodded

"Hug" he said which we all gladly accepted which meant us climbing on to the bed and cuddling him as we slowly fell asleep

Niall was allowed out the next day but none the lads or Paul who came to help let him do anything and Niall was back to his usual self once the week ended.

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated but until 17 July I will only be updating on weekends and that's because I have a lot of tests at the moment but don't worry because I will make up for it in the summer holidays which is after 17 July love u all and hope ur all good xx

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