baby Nialler is seriously ill

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4 year old Niall stylison had been ill for a few weeks now and it was worrying his daddies louis and harry even his uncles Zayn and Liam.

Harry and Louis was awoken by a loud cry and they knew it was there baby, so they quickly got out of bed and went to the nursery where they were met with a very pale looking 4 year old,
"Aww bby what's the matter" Harry asked as he grabbed Niall out of his crib
"Icky daddy"Niall whimpered as he snuggled into Harry
"What hurts babe" Louis gently asked as he pushed some of Niall's blonde locks out his eyes
"Tummy pa" Louis nodded as he felt Niall's head
"Daddy me gonna be icky" Niall said as he struggled to keep his food down, Liam quickly ran to the toilet a where Niall was violently sick until there was nothing left.
"Done baby boy"Harry  asked as he whipped Niall's face, Niall nodded so Harry stood up and took him downstairs to find the others had turned the sofa into a bed with the bucket,medicine,Niall's teddy and blanket plus his bottle and they also had the TV on ready to watch lion king.
Harry settled Niall down by Louis while he went and got the changing mat and nappies,once came back he quickly changed him and gave him his bottle with the medicine in then they all cuddled up watching lion king.
Half hour later Niall had became very uncomfortable and felt like he was going to be sick again
"Daddy me gonna be icky gain" Harry quickly grabbed the bucket and gave it  Niall while he was sick and Louis rubbed his back,After a while Niall was finaly finished being sick and sat back into his pa while hid daddy went and cleaned the bucket out,once he done he went into the living room to see Niall cuddled up into pa,Harry went over to louis and bent down

"babe, i'm gonna call Li and see if him and Zayn would come over and cheer our baby boy up,is that ok" Harry whispered

"yea sure love, just warn them about Niall" Louis said as Harry nodde before getting up and going into the kitchen grabbing his phone and phoned Liam(Liam=bold Harry=italics)

heyy hazza whats up

hey li, can you come over 

sure we will love toby the way Niall is still really sick so we thought you guys could help cheer him up

sure thing Haz, we will be over in 10 minutes

alright see ya in 10

Once Harry was done he went into the living room and sat by Louis and Niall until he heard a knock followed by the door opening and closing then he seen Liam and Zayn come through the door and Niall's face lit up once he seen them

"uncwel wi, uncwel zen"Niall tiredly said as he put his hands up in the wanting to be cuddled,Zayn went up to Niall and picked him up and sat in the other chair,kissing Niall's head and whispering something before putting him down and watching him run off and then come back in with his colouring set and book, Niall put them on the table before  dragging his uncle Zayn to the table while Liam,Harry,Liam and Zayn speak to each other.After a while Niall got bored so he stood up but as he stood up he felt dizzy and black stops appeared in his vision making it blury then he fainted. All the adults where shocked and Zayn quickly grabbed Niall and running out to the car with the boys ahead off him to get Niall to the hospital. Once they got to the hospital Niall was took for some tests and now they where in a room waiting for the doctor to come.After a hour of waiting a doctor came into Niall's hospital room

"we have the results back"

"and what are they" Harry asked ....


hey guys, i am working on a couple of request and they should be up before the weeekend hopefully

btw this was requested by @teeloganroryflanagan so thanks babe, there will be part 2 after all the other request ;) ily guys loads btw please tell me if you pefer me writing in third person or if i should do more of the boys point of view xxxxx

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