Hermione wasn’t even sure what had made her want to see him differently. Maybe it was that interest she had in him all those years ago that helped her to find who he really is.

She walked back to the room of requirement and when she opened the door she was surprised to see that it had changed.

Draco spun around quickly and instantly relaxed when she saw that it was her.

“What’s going on in here?” She asked.

It looked more like the DA practice room than anywhere they had been this year, except with a round table off to one side.

“I left to go for a walk and when I came back it was like this.” He sighed, clearly glad that it wasn’t Harry or one of the others.

“Well I suppose it fits better than a couch, a cosy little fireplace and a bed.” She shrugged and bit her lip a little.

Draco smiled and walked over to her, putting his hands on her waist and swaying her gently.

“When this is all over we’ll go somewhere, just us, and I’ll show you exactly how I’d like to treat you.” He gave his eyebrows a flirty little flick and she laughed, looping her arms around his neck and pulling him in.

She breathed in the smell of his musky cologne and closed her eyes as he swayed her. His lips found the soft skin of her neck and kissed her gently, lingering there for a moment.

“You know what I liked most about what you just said?” She murmured.

“What?” He asked, placing another tender kiss just below her ear and making her giggle slightly.

“The fact that you said when, not if.” She smiled into his chest.

“Well I don’t plan on going anywhere without you.” He said as he rested his head against hers.

Hermione let herself indulge in the moment for a while, taking in everything about him before she sighed and slipped out of his arms.

“Luna will be back with everyone soon. I have no idea how this is going to go.” She said.

“They might not come.” He said, his face turning sour.

If the hostility he was holding was anything like Harry’s then this was not going to go well. They helped each other out last year but neither of them would be willing to admit it to themselves. They were back at school and it really did feel like it.

“They’ll come, trust me.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair restlessly.

They sat at the table in mostly silence for over half an hour before the door started to open. Draco leapt out of his chair so fast that Hermione was taken by surprise. He stood by the chair and stared down the door with a look that could have been anger or hatred or terrified or a mix of the three.

Hermione and Draco, a Forbidden Fantasy (Dramione) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now