A Pokemon Battle?

Start from the beginning

Eros was sitting, waiting for Hank to show up. He had woken Sicily and Xerxes up, speaking to them of the challenge Hank had issued and how everybody was forced/invited to fight, the opponents being Surge, Dusk and possibly Hank. He also told Cerci about this, who had volunteered to be an arbiter. Aside from this, he only took time to eat the rolls and sweets the baker (by the name of Bakerson, to minimal comedic effect) in between his naps.

Only he and Dusk were there, looking over the field in suspense. Eros let his legs hang over the ledge, swinging them gently, almost as if to let them fall victim to the wind. Dusk was floating about, doing whatever rounds he felt necessary and scaring off a few birds residing in the avian lodges. Not long after the two arrived, which had been about half an hour early, Cerci arrived, bringing an unusual wooden staff with her. Eros didn't question this; After all, she did enchant stuff.

She appeared at first from one of the ground level walkways; But after seeing Eros above, she made way to one of stairwells leading to his position, sitting at his side. She was unusually close to him, which he couldn't quite comprehend; Yet, through the dictation of her language and the look in her eyes, she meant to induce privacy. "Hey. I just have some important things to tell you."

Eros raised a brow to this. "You aren't just announcing it or something?"

"Yeah, yeah, just spread it about. I just got some really important news, and I need you to... Give input, if you may." She never refused to keep her eyes facing forwards, speaking in the most formal of tones. "Important news to go around."

"Really? What is it?"

"This is something you really need to think about, because the implications are drastic. This has got to be the most ominous thing to have happened... Ever. And I can't make heads or tails of it.

"Just a few hours ago, I received a letter. It was signed and written by none other than that one Wigglytuff back at the guild, in Treasure town. He was speaking for the whole island when he wrote this, speaking as 'ambassador' and all. That right there told me something was wrong, but there's so much more than that. Some Chatot came flying over here with a message in his beak, addressed to me. At about this time, I was working on forging good relations with the Adventurer's Team or whatever and we were essentially messaging-buddies. I even made them some magical items, in repayment of their assistance earlier.

"Unfortunately, it appears as if we have to start choosing sides for something great. You remember that man named Cerberus, right? From what it seems, he had gone to that island and informed them of the whereabouts and planned attacks that Utopia was planning. They were slow to trust, right until he handed them some kind of paperwork that acted as evidence. It was far from ideal, as the Chatot stated, but it was enough to persuade everybody that it was actually going to happen. I'm assuming you had most of the extremely incriminating paperwork, so he had to get what was left. Still, how could Cerberus get such a thing...

"Although it seems drastic, the Pokemon have communicated all across the island, even seeking assistance from some of the great legends, and are planning an attack against the humans."

Eros thought about this as she spoke, blindly responding with, "So that's good, right? Utopia was basically evil."

"They aren't only attacking Utopia, they're taking Morono with them. They even have plans to move on to other regions, if they have the means to do so. And, from what I can gather, both those attacks and that of the humans are planned to occur at the same time."

Eros stood and thought about this, stunned at the sudden realization. "So... Morono is going to be a war-ground?"

"Precisely." Cerci was quivering a bit, which made Eros want to comfort her, save that such motions would imply too much for his taste, and Cerci likely wouldn't appreciate it. "The Pokemon asked us to support them in this war, but I told the Chatot that we're abstaining. I tried to urge him to convince the Wigglytuff otherwise, but he was too set on 'stopping the war before it happens'. Whatever happens, we need to keep the peace. But, as it seems..."

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