Friggin Bird...

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As Eros was about to hit the water, a magnificent figure of sorts appeared from beneath the surface, bending the waves until it pierced the film; And, when the creature revealed itself to Eros, it was none other than Articuno.


As Articuno pierced the surface and floated steadily above the water, it waited for Eros to speed by it, somehow slowing him down with his wings and claws and catching him midair, saving his life. He beat his wings and started soaring far away from the island, making incredible speed as the floating land mass shrunk out of sight. Even as it flew, it managed to find ways to demonstrate its awe-inspiring power, freezing the water that dripped from its majestic wings into sleet and snow as it flew.

To say the least, Eros was shocked and surprised as this happened since he was expecting to die right then and there; And, because of this, he had to spend a few seconds comprehending and accepting the swift series of actions that just took place. At one point, Articuno decided to toss Eros up from his claws and onto his back, something he was completely unprepared for. This only assisted the fact Eros was in complete shock of what just happened, stopping him from speaking for at least an hour before he started a small conversation.

"Why- no, how did you save- no, know where I was- how-"

Articuno sighed and replied, "Let me explain, hatchling. I was simply... Nearby, plotting, and I saw you falling. It would ache my heart to see such a young lad like you perish by whatever suicidal means occupied your mind just then."

"Excuse me?"

"Why would you commit suicide, child?" Articuno tilted his head, looking back at Eros as he spoke.

"I'm not a child- you know me, Articuno!"

"Do I? I haven't seen a Trapinch for at least two hundred years, young lad. I think you have me mistaken."

"What? No, I'm- I'm Eros!"

"Who?" Articuno didn't seem to remember the name.

"You know, the guy who told you about the whole war in Utopia and stuff-"

"Wait, you mean the guy who- the- but that was a human!"

"It's a long story."

Articuno huffed at this, clearly disbelieving of what he just said. "You surely jest me, child. If so, prove you were human, or at least that you've yet encountered me."

Eros, thinking about what to say, simply decided to revert back into a human instead. While this was a quick answer, the sudden gain of weight on Articuno's back caused him to start sinking rapidly. As the two were about to crash into the surface of the water, he manipulated his mystical frost powers and created a small glacier atop the sea for the two to land on, the buoyancy of which broke their fall. Articuno was upset, but only for a second before looking to Eros and exclaiming, "The Dickens- you ARE a human!"

"Uh..." Eros panted a few times before continuing, "Yeah..."

"Why did you jump- No, in fact, why were you even on the island? Do you know naught of what's up there?"

"I... I... I know..." Eros panted a few times more, finishing, "I... Sorry... Got... A... Seal..."

"Oh, what ventures did you commence? I demand an explanation." Articuno looked displeased, as if this entire matter was suddenly underneath him.

Eros waited a few seconds, enduring the harsh looks before answering, "I got caught. I was teleported. Don't know why..."

"Well, this is twice I've saved your life, and you owe me for it. I actually already have a few things in mind. First..." Articuno looked about, about to make a command, but not before Eros interrupted.

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