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Sicily was surrounded. Feraligatr and Xerxes were on to her... Mistakes. They probably wouldn't have been so suspecting if she didn't try this once before, considering the time she made him fight for the Ashen badge. She was so sure of herself, ready to commit herself and her trainer to a life away from danger. For once, she gave him an opportunity to have a safe, normal life. Wasn't he happy? Was he happy? Why wouldn't he be happy? She never let that flame die, but it's been dulled for so long... To have the true, righteous path in front of her, and to be ready to walk it with her trainer... Then again, she was ignoring who she was abandoning. On the other hand, she was so happy, and why would such a happy path be so bad?

"Don't do anything rash-" Feraligatr was already closing in on her, preventing her from any means of escape. He easily took up at least three quarters of the hallway when he walked, so the simple motions of extending his arms made it practically impossible to pass him; Hence, her only option here is to fight.

Sicily stepped back, ready to take the creature on; And, as her first move, she started beating her wings rapidly, ignoring the fact that Eros was getting caught in the fray. Desperate to escape, she started to make her attack more intense, as the ringing increased from a dull fan drone into a more powerful turbine sound. Soon, a few trickles of blood were coming off of everybody in front of her, deterring them from approaching. She was quick to feel triumphant, as nobody could escape her attacks.

That said, what happened next definitely caught her by surprise. As she was looking towards Feraligatr as the target of her attack, she noticed a few shadowy forms appearing behind him, a creature that could only exist in nightmares. The shadowy forms defined themselves, appearing as faceless humans in an endless horde that started charging towards her. Normal physics would dictate that the creatures would not be able to pass through objects, but their appealingly gaseous forms didn't have a problem phasing through Feraligatr and headed straight towards her. She almost froze up her attack, feeling helpless as the creatures leapt towards her.

She fell back, forced by some lightweight force that may have been the mass of the creature. The creature mounted above her, staring down with its expressionless face. She was utterly terrified by this creature, a depiction of somebody's worst fears. Her terror only grew when the creature dived into her heart and very soul, seemingly consuming her in darkness and tainting her spirit. The pain almost seemed psychological, but she couldn't help but wince and spasm all over her body. Soon, the other creatures dived into her and pummeled her mind and soul until they were weak, eventually consuming her in darkness...

Of course, Eros' perspective was much different. All he saw was a black aura appear around Xerxes' arms before Sicily started to spasm and collapse on the ground, struggling against some unseen force. Even Feraligatr was confused by this, standing over Sicily and wondering why she had suddenly collapsed as she did. Only everybody else understood what happened, as Eros was all too familiar with Xerxes' powers and her manipulations.

Even now, Eros was terrified of Sicily, against all odds, and he decided to run towards Xerxes and hide behind her. She was a tad confused at first, causing her to prompt her trainer, "What was that about?"

Eros, taking an awkward moment to recompose himself from the shock, started his next few words slowly, inspiring his words with an alien kind of dread. "I... I didn't think... Sicily was so different. It was like... Like she kidnapped me again. But... Worse."

"Oh, that's not good..." Xerxes frowned and contemplated, while Feraligatr simply stated in bewilderment. He was only soon to find out what other problems have ailed the party before. "I knew something was up with her. She... What did she do to you?"

"Well..." Almost feeling guilty for how he handled the situation, he spoke without assurance, almost contradicting his words with his accent. "I... I guess she found me... You know the hide and seek thing? Yeah... She found me, I guess... And she was angry..."

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