The Chapter Things Started To Change

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Although chronologically faulted, it would be improper to exclude the actions that happened prior to the noise.

Feraligatr was considering what to do, waiting and hoping that some miracle would save them. That miracle came in the form of a Molotov cocktail thrown down the trap door, leading to a massive fire in the corner of the room. By the way, the miracle didn't help them. Molotov cocktails are bad. Of course, Feraligatr was able to douse the fire once more, but he couldn't keep on the charade forever. He needed a plan, and fast.

He looked about him. All he had at hand was Alice, and, well... He looked for a good minute before another Molotov cocktail had landed right beside him, searing his skin for a few seconds before it was extinguished by the natural reservoirs of water in his body; In turn, though, he had to suffer a few seconds of the sticky substance latching onto his skin before he was even able to comprehend the fact that if the firebomb was able to hit him in a lucky toss, Alice would likely be soon to feel the fire as well...

He looked back at Alice, then to the ceiling. He couldn't hold on any longer. He needed to do something. And so, looking about, he started to stand over Alice and lean his hulking figure over her defensively. As Alice, now not too far cringed to notice what was going on, simply stared up in bewilderment, inquiring, "What are you doing...?"

"Alice. Heed my words." Feraligatr stared at the Eevee below him, gripping the charred beams of the roofing above. As he did so, some of the smoldering wood, remnants of the firebombs, started to sprinkle its glowing red embers across the ground. "I plan to collapse the floor and provide means for you to hide and escape. Find the human. I will remain here and hold them off as long as I can."

"But I can't..." Alice lifted her paw in the slightest, indicating her inability to track the said human. "Don't..."

"Fine. Hide then. We haven't the time to sit here, though. Just close your eyes and dull your ears." Then, with a brief moment of consideration, "And one more thing."

"What...?" Alice was't sure she wanted to face what was going to happen.

Feraligatr tugged at the roof, easily splintering half of the wood above. The boots seemed to shuffle about, but none of them left. "Alice... Doth better meet me in Valhalla, or wherever we are destined."

Alice, only understanding Feraligatr's despair now, started to look up with wide eyes, bewildered by what he was implying. "You're going to be fine, right?"

Feraligatr gently pulled down on the roof once more, sending a rather unsettling shower of ashes upon Alice's fur. The men above were almost sounding to have left the room, although the unsure ones had definitely returned. He didn't even bother to feign a smile now, knowing that Alice knew him too well. "No. I will not."

Alice was at a loss for words. Her stare only drew itself wider, finding the response to be unsatisfactory. "Why don't we wait? Come on! We can do this another way..." Then, and only then, Alice started to realize just where they were, recognizing just how hopeless their situation was. Yes, she could easily hide in the rubble and wait for Eros, who they were somehow sure would appear, but Feraligatr was surrounded by soldiers and would surely be cut in a fatal fashion. Letting this sink in, she whispered, "Please... Don't..."

"What other choice do we have?" Then, making the roof concave with one soft motion, Feraligatr spoke his final words. Finding his gaze finally locked with Alice's, and, finding the same grief she held but with a greater sense of conviction, he uttered, "Look, for all we've been through... I'll miss you."

Alice knew he meant it and that she couldn't change his mind. In all honesty, she'd pray to die by his side, but she would never conceive of violating Feraligatr's last wishes. With a silent nod from the Eevee, Feraligatr channeled all of his strength into tearing the roof down. With a forceful pull, which required much more force than he expected, the beams above shattered and let loose what must've been years worth of developed mold and damage, something that he wasn't too expectant of. (See, there IS a reason behind how he can just pull down a ceiling.)

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