A Single, Pessimistic Phrase

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Eros couldn't understand the exact nature of it, but he did feel some sort of odd presence as he flew at Sicily's side. The feeling radiated from Xerxes, who he knew was a master at whatever mental manipulations she did; And, as a result, given how exposed the feeling made him feel, he correctly assumed it to be some kind of mental probing. He couldn't discern what she was looking at or why she did it, but, having her fly atop of Sicily's back alongside Dusk and Manus, he was able to shoot her a series of disapproving glared, returned with only a few innocently guilty smiles and stares.

As they were about halfway there, with Eros barely keeping pace with Sicily, Manus decided to strike up some conversation with Eros. "Ay, mate, what's with the secrecy an' all?"

Eros, the Pidgey, looked back at the Scyther with a look of surprise, having forgotten that a lot still has to be explained. "You know how I said there were still humans on land and that they lived with Pokemon? Yeah, well, 'cause of the mages and magic and stuff, and 'cause of some witch trials a long time ago, they're killing anyone they suspect's a Mage."

"Aye? Like 'em mages from the island? But I thought none of 'em Pokemon got nothing against ye? Or are Pokemon not really as kind as ye say?"

Sicily made the effort to slap Manus with her wing, answering in place of Eros. "No, dimwit, Pokemon just tend to... Follow in the footsteps of humans, that's all. No matter how objectionable it may seem..."

Manus thought for a moment before simply replying, "Oh."

Eros, remembering another thing, continued, "Oh, and as a Druid, your transformation thingy only lasts until sleeping or fainting. Snap, what if you have to sleep? Wait, I got it! Generally Pokemon have their own rooms and stuff, so we just make sure nobody walks in during the night and just transform when you wake up! Genius!"

Manus stared back, looked at himself, then said, "Bravo?" Another moment passed before he asked, "Wait, how do 'em creatures make 'em forts, anyhow?"

Eros contemplated for a minute, being the destination near them and the sun almost passing the horizon. "I dunno. I always thought they used Secret Power. I heard it does some cool stuff."

Dusk chuckled and added, "I had thought it dig.
Or maybe they worked by hand.
But Secret Power..."

The five had a rather peaceful flight overall, although they did have a difficult time finding a clear place to land, making them spend a good five minutes in the air before Sicily could rest; Unfortunately, aided by Eros' premature transformation into a Sandshrew and his poor description of the former location, the group had to spend another hour scouring for the concealed location, only by chance finding the tree and being able to get inside without any further waiting.

After fifty incorrect trees and only now finding the right symbol, Eros assured the party (for the third time) that this was the right tree. In response to Eros knocking a few times on the tree, a voice from within shouted, "Go away!"

Eros, confused and worried at first, suddenly remembered what to say and shouted, "Five massages!"

The voice was silent for a moment, then replied, "What? Massages?"

"Gah, messengers! I meant messengers!"

"Oh! Is that the voice of a certain young Sandshrew?" The bark door flung open and a Tangrowth revealed itself, observing the party with a sort of unusual glee. "New members? I remember you being interested in joining."

"Yeah, we're interested. Right guys?" Eros looked back and found everybody just staring at him. He turned back and sheepishly continued, "Uh, yeah... They're just a bit skeptical..."

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