Out Of Body Experience

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Yeah, the title's a pun. Whatsituya? Also, I'm going to remind you to vote. ;)

In the eyes of Eros, the world had just completely disappeared on him. His senses were overloaded with what could only be described as chaos until he realized- hey, all the pieces were there! He was still alive, very much so. He could still see and hear and feel and taste and smell. He even felt an overload of magic in himself, definitely foreign. He tried to feel his way into whatever happened, for he knew he had some sort of body. In fact, it was very obvious after a few seconds that he changed physical forms. He has arms and legs and hands and feet and a face, but it all felt funny and mashed together. He also realized he had some sort of appendage behind him- a tail? If he changed forms, that could be a very likely possibility.

He decided to realize what he was seeing next. It definitely was where he was before, but as if you were just waking up and couldn't make sense of where you where. His eyes slowly focused around, giving more definition to the shapes around him. The colors of the world were definitely more dull than before, but he was far from colorblind. He made out the ground, seeing it was a lot more rugged before. He looked to the left and right; he certainly didn't move at the time, but the figure that was Cerci was much farther away and watching him, as if to give him space. She also seemed much larger than before, just as Trapinch was, who was far from Eros but closer than Cerci. This is as far as he could get for now.

Next should be hearing. Not a lot of noise was going on, but after a few seconds Eros' ears popped and the rustling of the forest was almost normal. That was easy.

He tried to get up from his stomach, but as he did his legs immediately felt sore, his arms not excluded. Maybe his injuries carried over to whatever his form was now, and without the brace... But despite the pain, he felt euphoric. Whatever happens, he could not have possibly enjoyed it any more. He tried to focus his eyes even more, better defining the outline of, well, everything.

Trapinch was walking much closer to Eros, now, and as it stood apart only what seemed like inches to Eros, it let out a strange sound, "Trap trap ra rak tra trap?"

The sound came through as if muffled through a thick wall; another pop of the ears and everything sounded clear. Eros tried to make sense of why he couldn't understand Trapinch. After all, Cerci turned him into a Pokemon, right?

He looked at himself. He looked and felt much pudgier than before. His skin felt rough and bloated, his feet as if he was wearing some sort of comfortable skin-tight boot. On his hands and arms was a soft beige skin on what could only be described as his underside, his outside covered with a yellow rectangular pattern that looked like massive bricks. Four claws on the end of his palm led all led him to conclude that if he became a Pokemon, it was definitely a Sandshrew, which would explain the sandy taste in his mouth and nose.

He tried to open his mouth and speak, but he could only form a rough 'ak' sound. Eros tried again to speak, but it quickly dawned on him that moving his vocal cords was a greater ordeal than a simple arm or leg. Whether Pokemon even had true vocal cords came into question, but a weird laughing sound came from Trapinch. Cerci walked over in her somewhat blurry form when Eros heard her speak, "Don't expect him to understand you, Trapinch. He has the body of a Pokemon but still has the mind of a human."

The Trapinch nodded in understanding and started to circle Eros, observing his new body. Eros was still trying focus his vision to its normal state when he heard Cerci speak again, this time to him, "I'm pretty sure you have some questions, but I'll just cover the basics for now. After all, you shouldn't be able to speak. I know I had a hard time the first time I shape-shifted. You just need a bit of practice speaking, and we'll go from there."

"Ak-ak?" Speaking even the simple sound was a struggle for Eros.

"Not so easy to interrupt me anymore, is it? Now listen, don't try to force yourself to speak too hard. I could've let the Pokemon side of your mind help you translate and stuff, but then you'd have given up a bit of your human mind and before you know it, BAM! You literally lose your mind. Be sure that when you do this yourself, you're still in control. I hope you're taking notes." Cerci and Trapinch giggled a little at this, while Eros simply appeared annoyed; though, this was only in appearance, for on the inside he was laughing too. As a Pokemon, Eros naturally looked either concerned or annoyed at any given moment, as this was simply his nature.

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