Ambiguous Pun

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Not much happened between the day Lemonkin and Eros had their conversation, save Eros coming to a concrete resolution: Should he lack any sort of leads or clues to the unknown organization's whereabouts nor confirm its existence, he would leave without a trace. Sure, a child abruptly disappearing would seem awry, but it wouldn't bring any suspicion to follow him home, nor should the Kecleon have any lingering thoughts about him- Actually, hell, Lemonkin's probably going to feel terrible if he disappears. Well, nothing comes without a price... Eros was resolute, none the less. He wasn't wasting any more time than he had to.

After working the three days prior to the festival, Lemonkin had officially closed the inn for the few days that they would spend at the ceremony, leaving the two a brief time devoid of the work they were expected to do. Having little else of importance, it was a day before the gathering that Lemonkin had departed with Eros for the festival, leaving towards the north with only the food Lemonkin had bothered to bring along.

The two traveled for a few hours, much shorter than what Eros was accustomed to, leaving him to have a relatively outstanding endurance and certainly making Lemonkin envious; Even so, Lemonkin managed to keep pace with the hyperactive Cleffa, finding his ability much like that of any other child. As they approached the destination, signaled by the few floating lights and luminescent creatures huddled together, the Pokemon surrounding them not only became apparent, but arguably frequent as well. They all seemed to be in a trance of bliss, excited for the event that lay ahead, as if the very act of approaching the party was pleasant. Eros picked up on this and subconsciously agreed, albeit more focused on the task at hand.

As they arrived at the congregation, Eros could spot all kinds of mysterious Pokemon that he was only somewhat acquainted with, such as the Zoura, Lucario, a Gallade, a Zimbabwe, and even an orange Pikachu. Taking this in as the crowd grew thicker, Lemonkin eventually grabbed his arm and, shouting over the noise of the crowd, "Stay close to me!"

"Okay- Actually, wait! I need to say something!"

Lemonkin wasn't even facing Eros, trying to navigate through the thick crowd that they just happened to stumble upon. "What? What is it?"

"Sorry." Eros suddenly let go of the Kecleon and disappeared into the crowd, losing sight of Lemonkin almost instantly. Lemonkin, entrusted with his safety, started to panic and was commencing a ritual of wild shouting, begging anybody in the crowd to catch hold of him; But, just as some creature was about to reach out for Eros, he simply disappeared in a blink of light.

A fraction of a second later, Eros was a good 100 meters from where he was before, having blinked out of the crowd and giving him time to change his guise. While some of the newer crowd had turned towards him in surprise of his sudden appearance, he didn't have any problem running into a bush a stone's throw away. Finally out of sight, Eros changed his form back into that of a Sandshrew, making his previous form unaccounted for.

Much to his avail, nobody had the slightest idea or care for this newfound child, leaving him to his own manners and finding any kind of investigation beneath them. Soon, he was amidst the crowd once more, evading the attention of every creature there. Now, with a guide that everybody was willing to ignore and allowed him to observe unhindered, Eros once again blended into the crowd, looking for leads as he had been all along.

And so he did, and very successfully, as the first minute or two that he went staring at strangers in conversation, he found the peculiar symbol made itself very evident. The lead he was looking for occurred when a Dedenne intentionally bumped into a Tangrowth, although it acted surprised anyhow. As it collected itself, it let loose a fake pant and brought its fist over its heart, extending but the index finger and proclaiming, "Forgive me, stranger! May I ask where the honey borough is?"

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