Eros and Sicily, Pt 3

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This is it! The long-awaited character visual descriptions will be added to previous chapters this week! Stay tuned!

Eros awoke to find a weird chanting outside the door, an assembly of voices (of which he could hear Alice's, Totodile's and Chatot's voice among them) who were shouting out ten different oaths of sorts, all dedicated to the ideals of the guild. Eros made note that he was still transformed as a Sandshrew, so he was successfully able to maintain his guise. He looked around the room, finding the torch had somehow still been burning. Through a now visible slit in the ceiling, he could see the sun shine a tiny fraction of its light through, giving a inkling that it was still the morning.

"Sicily, wake up." Eros shook Sicily awake, standing on her bed. "Wake. Up."

"Ugh. Eros, what time is it?"

"I don't know, but they started chanting. I think this might be an evil cult of sorts."

"What? That's ridiculous." Sicily flapped her wings a bit before standing up, shaking her body around to stretch. "Why didn't you tell me they already started?"

The two quickly made their ways outside the dorm and into the main area, where Alice and Totodile were waiting. Totodile greeted them with, "Good morning! So, have you decided where to go?"

Sicily responded, "We're going to go to the well today, if you don't mind."

"No problem! We're all ready to head out! Although I must warn you, we have to go through a mystery dungeon to get there."

"That's alright! We're capable of handling ourselves in a good fight or two." Everyone looked at each other in an odd silence before Sicily continued, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Eros, Sicily, Alice and Totodile climbed up the two ladders and made their way out of the funny building, stoping for nothing on the way out. As they made their way out on the path leading to the crossroads, they followed the road without a sign indicating where it led. The winding dirt road disappeared into the forest, trees climbing above the party as they went down the path. They walked for about an hour before Alice and Totodile led the group off the path and into the forest. Although this came off the main road, the area still seemed somewhat worn, hinting that others may have traveled this path.

After another hour or two of traveling, the party came across a mysterious wall of fog in the forest, with the frame seemingly formed from the branches of nearby trees, arching into a perfectly-shaped semicircle. Alice slowly walked into the fog, followed by Totodile, then Sicily, and finally Eros. The fog hit his face like a damp towel, causing him to cough a bit before stepping into what seemed to be a marshy grass.

Looking around, Eros saw a clear blue sky, daylight shining all across the area without a sun to bring it. Around the party were walls of non-traversable tree growth and vines, only a few inches worth of growth bringing complete darkness. On the ground was a dense grass, as so no dirt could be seen between the blades. An odd ringing sound came from throughout the dungeon, sounding like a high pitch electrical static that would start and stop every so often. The ground felt wet and damp, as did the air, as little streams of water seemed to flow amidst the ground and growth. The group was in a small room formed by the trees, about the shape of a rectangle and with two passages leading out on adjacent sides of the room.

Alice commanded, "Let's plan out a formation. Anyone volunteer to be in front?"

Totodile raised his hand. "I can go in front. I'm good at taking hits."

Sicily added, "I can fly above and use my Dragon Breath. And I think Eros could concentrate on his spells better if he was in back."

Eros replied, "Woah woah woah. I can handle myself up close as well."

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