I am speechless.

"Just give me something else." I tell him.
"How about...those clothes you gave me once. Your oversized shirt with the grey sweat pants."
He looks at me like I'm an alien.
"The ones that fell off me!" I point to my legs.
"Oh......hahahha!" He starts laughing, "I don't know where those are either."
"What do you know Kris!" I burst in anger. At that moment the door opens and April comes in with a smile.
"What's going on?" She asks approaching us.
"This idiot won't wear what I'm giving her." Kris complains as if to his mother. April takes one look at that jumpsuit and "I don't know why you have this. But you can't expect her to wear that. Don't you have your own clothes?" She asks me, "Kris told me you live here with him, surely you must have a couple of things with you."
"You threw them out." Kris cuts in not letting me reply.
"I am so sorry about that." She apologizes holding my hands, "Please forgive me. I know! I'll make it up to you." She tell me with a smile.
"H...how?" I ask her to which her smile gets even wider.
"We go shopping."

And so the three of us ended up going to a mall. Kris and April looking beautiful and me looking like a vampire. We enter a shop chosen by Kris's girlfriend. She immediately walks to one of the racks and starts picking things out, leaving me and that jerk standing there like two idiots.
"Let's go check something." Kris pushes my shoulder and we walk around the shop.

"How about this?" He shows me a sweater.
"No. It's orange."
"What you don't like that color?" Kris hangs the sweater back.
"This?" He shows me a black shirt with a bunny on it.
"Oooh!" My eyes widen, placing it against my body Kris gives a disgusted look saying It doesn't suit me. Darn! I really liked that shirt.
"Maybe this?" He puts a green cardigan next to me. "No. Doesn't suit you." He says hanging it back and going through the racks.
"This!" He takes out another sweater, "Definitely suits you." He shows it to me. There's a sheep right in the middle of it.
"Why? Because of the sheep?" I ask recalling the time at the farm.
"Yeah hahah!" He says through laughter. I throw the sweater in his face and walk to another rack. I see a Mexican hat, sombrero, it's so colorful. I wear it and look at Kris who bursts laughing. "Wear this too." He gives me huge sunglasses.
"And this!" I say wearing winter gloves on my hands.
"This too." He hands me maracas.
"And you wear this." I give him a winter scarf, which he matches with a surf board, boots and a yellow skirt which he wore over his pants. Then we both start making a photoshoot. The staff looking at us like we're some mental patients. Seeing them react this way sparked an idea in my head. I run to the glass display window. "Where are you going?" Kris asks following me.
"Are you serious?" He looks at me posing with the mannequins.
I don't reply but remain my pose. Seconds later I see Kris joining me, we both stand frozen like wax dolls waiting for our first victims.

A woman stops by the window looking at us in confusion when suddenly we start moving and she screams, dropping her bag and running away. I get out picking up her bag and calling her to come back, "Excuse me! Your bag!" She doesn't come back and so I run after her.
"Your bag! Miss!" I run behind her but she just runs farther from me. What is wrong with her?
"Miss! Bag!"
"Your bag!" I keep running after her and she keeps running from me.
"Miss!" I give up and throw the bag at her, it hits her back and she slightly trips. I apologize and run back to the shop.

"So did you catch her?" Kris asks removing the skirt.
"Not exactly. I threw the bag at her."
"You what?" We both stare at each other wide eyed before bursting into laughter.
"You two seem like you're having fun." April walks over to us holding a couple of bags. "This is yours." She hands me like five bags and I thank her, "It's okay. I'm the one who threw out your clothes anyway. Now go change into something." She pushes me into the changing room.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now