Chapter Ten - With a little persuasion

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Chapter Ten - With a little persuasion

"What's it?" He questioned, looking up to meet her gaze.

"I'm going to invade Camelot. And I hope you'll stand with me."

Merlin opened his mouth to refuse, but shut it quickly. Should he refuse?

"I need your help." She rubbed his arm comfortingly, "Together we could be unstoppable."

"But I don't want to be unstoppable..." He frowned, leaning into her touch. "I just want to be myself. I want Arthur to accept me for who I am."

"You and I both know that day will never come." She muttered darkly, "It will never come unless we force it to come."

He rubbed a hand across his eyes tiredly, his brain aching with the thought of hurting those who meant the most to him. "But I don't want to hurt anyone..." He whispered, so quiet Morgana barely caught the words.

"Merlin... please." She put her face closer to his, and he shivered as he felt her breath on his lips.

"What if Arthur just wanted to talk, and I ran away?" He suggested, a hint of hopefulness in his voice. "Maybe he didn't mean to wave that sword at me..."

"Listen to yourself." Morgana put a hand under Merlin's chin, forcing his eyes to fall on hers. "You're really suggesting that Arthur threatening you with a sword was friendly?"

"It could have been..." He mumbled.

"Merlin I implore you to see the truth." She begged. "Arthur is just like his father! He hates us and everyone like us! As of today... you've joined the side of the sorcerers, whether you like it or not."

"But I don't want to kill any of my friends!" He snapped. "They've always looked out for me, and I for them. We have a bond, and I can't just leave Giaus by himself!"

"Do I not mean anything to you?" She cupped his face. "When I was still in Camelot, we were so close, and you meant so much to me. So very much."

"But then you threw it all away by plotting to kill me, Arthur and Gwen for two years." He retorted, taking all his anger out on her.

"Never you Merlin. Never you. I only needed you out of the way so that I could kill the ones who didn't deserve to be on the throne." She spat, bitterness entering her tone. "But you could change that! You and I - we could bring magic back to Camelot! No-one would ever have to hide any more and we could be together."

Merlin had to admit that the thought was tempting. Never having to hide his gifts... never having to be alone... getting the credit he deserved for saving the Kings life so many times... But at what price?

"But for Camelot to be free," He dropped his voice down to a whisper, "Arthur would have to die."

"Yes!" She smiled, "He would." She took his hand and squeezed it gently. "And YOU could help me!"

He snatched his hand away from hers quickly. "But I don't want to help you kill Arthur!" He almost sobbed.

Morgana pondered her options while Merlin sat there gloomily, staring at her wall.

Either she could keep slowly persuading him, until he eventually agreed. But how long would that take?

Or she could put him under a spell. But how long would that last?

Biting her lip, she played with her fingers while trying to come up with a solution to this.

The silence in her hut was almost deafening, and she could practically feel the tension between the two of them. She so desperately wanted him to join her side, but she knew that he wouldn't go without a fight. Somehow she had to persuade him. Somehow.

Suddenly, she turned toward him, turning his face towards her. She crashed her lips down onto his, wanting him to feel how badly she wanted this... how much she needed him on her side.

For a few brief moments, he allowed her to kiss him fully. Giving her access before she even had to beg for it, and letting her run her hand up his arm. However too soon, he pulled away with a faint smile on his face.

"I know what you're trying to do."

"What?" She questioned, slightly breathless.

"You're trying to persuade me..." He chuckled, "And it's not working."

She leaned in closer to him again, ghosting her lips over his. "Are you sure about that?" She whispered, and his breath caught in his throat at her proximity.

"Yes." He managed to force out, keeping a calm composure.

She smirked and pressed her lips to his again, relishing in the taste.

"Morgana.." He gently pushed her away, "No."

"But, what if I'm just trying to kiss you?" She questioned, tilting her head.

"You and I both know that's not your intention." He sighed, talking her hands and placing back to her sides.

She swallowed and stared at the floor, her cheeks turning a little pink. "So.. can I kiss you?"

He rolled his eyes, "Of course you can. - Just, not when you're trying to get me to kill my King."

"But he's NOT your King any more!" She snapped her head up so she could look him in the eyes.

He pressed his lips together, not sure what to say to that. He didn't know what Arthur was to him any more. Was he still his King? Did he still serve him? Arthur definitely didn't trust Merlin... if he returned to Camelot alone and unprotected then he'd be slaughtered.

"You're right." He replied softly.

"I'm sorry?" Morgana asked in disbelief.

"You're right." He shrugged. "Arthur is not my King any more."

Morgana waited with baited breath to see what his decision was.

"I need more time." He groaned, placing his head in his hands. "I don't know anything! I really don't! I thought I was Arthur's FRIEND!"

She placed a soothing hand over his shoulder. "As did I. But obviously we were wrong. Arthur cares for no-one but himself. We've learnt that the hard way."

"But, he was always so caring towards me."

"It's all an act Merlin." She rested her chin on his shoulder. "I'm so, so sorry that you feel this way."

His tear misted eyes met hers, "How do I know everything your saying isn't all an act?"

"Because you can trust me." She told him confidently, "You can trust me with all your heart, and I won't let you down."

"How do I know that?!" He muttered.

"You saved my life. You cared for me. And, I love you. I always have!"

Merlin thought back to their time together in Camelot. He certainly used to believe that they both had feelings for each-other, but when Morgana's mind grew twisted and evil in the power of Morgause, he felt her love grow dim, and be replaced by hatred.

"Have you?" He bit his lip un-certainly.

"Yeah." She swallowed, brushing a hand across his cheek.

He rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. "I love you too." He murmured, once they'd both relaxed into each-other.

She smiled as he tilted her chin up so their lips met in a kiss, filled with passion.

Her hand wound around his shoulders, reeling him closer to her. He didn't object, and wound his fingers in her raven hair, threading the strands between them.

Their lips moved in sync, as if they were made to fit each-other. He allowed her access when she asked for it once more, and they fought for dominance, both too lazy to really try.

Merlin's heart was beating faster with every passing second, and his fingers were starting to shake with the amount of emotion that he felt in his heart.

He was well and truly under Morgana's spell... But for once there was no magic involved.

Merlin |Confusion [Merlin & Morgana]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя