Chapter Fourteen - A New Master

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Chapter Fourteen - A New Master

Morgana blinked slowly at Merlin, her lips pursed in a tight, thin line. Merlin wanted to step forwards and kiss those lips, but Kilgharrah's deep breathing behind him was an unpleasant reminder that they weren't alone.

It had perhaps been a full minute since Merlin had revealed the extent of his magical powers to her, and since then, he had hardly been able to endure the silence.

"Morgana?" He asked, tentatively, taking a small step toward her. "Please say something - anything."

Morgana didn't move away as Merlin stretched out a hand to her, but when she accepted the touch, Kilgharrah stiffened next to them.

Merlin. MERLIN.

The dragon's voice was inexplicably loud inside his head, and his hands automatically reached to clasp his ears - but of course that wouldn't block the sound. The concern that flashed across Morgana's face after Merlin did this was impossible to miss.

"I'm okay," he huffed, "He is talking in my mind, and it's extortionate."

"So it's true..." Morgana breathed, gazing at him in wonderment. "You really are a dragonlord..."

Merlin shrugged, "Yup, last time I checked."

"Fuck." Whispered Morgana, and dropped her eyes to the floor, as if she didn't quite feel worthy of his gaze.

"MERLIN!" Kilgharra suddenly yelled, spreading his eagle-like wings. "Do not think that you can ignore me!" 

A curl of fire and smoke escaped from between his teeth, and when he roared, Merlin could see the fire building inside his throat.

I am not ignoring you. He said silently, his magic reaching like outstretched arms towards Kilgharra.

"Face me, Merlin." The dragon's voice had now dropped down to a normal volume again; he was clearly more satisfied now that Merlin had acknowledged his existence. 

Merlin reluctantly tore his eyes from Morgana, who was still keeping her own gaze to the floor, as if she had found something in the leaves that was infinitely more exciting than the ancient dragon and the all-powerful Dragon Lord that stood before her.

What more could a girl want? Merlin thought to himself, a little bitterly. I literally cannot get much more powerful than this.

He breathed in slowly, gathering his thoughts.

"Kilgharra." He said finally, finding it surprisingly difficult to meet the dragon's gaze. He felt as though he was a naughty child, who was finally having to face the consequences of his bad behaviour. "I'm sorry that you feel so strongly about this situation but-"

"-Don't you realise, Merlin, the gravity of what you have done?" Kilgharra sighed in a strained way, his tone carrying the weight of centuries of torment, destruction and death. He sounded tired.

Merlin shrugged a little, "I do, yes... but I suppose I don't care as much as I should."

Kilgharra surveyed Merlin, his eyes simultaneously saying everything and nothing. 

"I fear, young Warlock," he began wearily, "You have been corrupted by The Witch." 

Morgana hissed to the right of Merlin. "You know nothing of me, beast." She said darkly, her firsts clenching and unclenching. "What Merlin and I have does not concern you. But surely, whatever decisions The Dragon Lord has, you must obey?"

Merlin scoffed and said, "I don't think he's ever agreed with any of my decisions since the day he met me."

I can't work out why that is though, He thought to himself. My decisions are great - I've got myself out of some really sticky situations... Of course, Merlin was completely bypassing the idea that it could be his decisions that got him into the 'sticky situations' in the first place.

"If I had it my way, Witch," Kilgharra was addressing Morgana, and Merlin whipped his head around to watch the dragon's movements closely, in case he decided to open fire, "You would have been removed from this world long ago."

"But it isn't your way, is it?" She smirked, and Merlin found himself oddly aroused by her darkness. What was happening to him? 

The Great Dragon took a huge inhale, almost as if he were planning to breathe out fire. "I am the master of my own destiny." He eventually said.

Morgana began to walk forwards; she suddenly seemed to be filled with more confidence. She had a plan. Merlin wanted to know what was going on inside her head, but he couldn't interrupt her now - she was mid-flow.

"But, you see,Kilgharra-" the dragon visibly stiffened when she used his name, as if the sound of it coming from her lips was deeply displeasing to him, "-Merlin is the one who has final say. No matter what you decide, it is he who can force you to do as he pleases."

"He would not dare abuse his power in such a way."

There was a time when Merlin thought that true; but there was also a time (not too long ago) that he thought he would be able to kill Morgana. He thought he'd be able to stand by Arthur - whatever the personal cost. Now, looking at his lover standing there, he knew that he'd do whatever it took to protect her. He wanted to make her happy. He would do whatever she needed him to do. 

They had to be together. And Merlin as the master of his own destiny, truly. 

I am my own master.

"Yes, I would." Merlin spoke up for the first time in a few minutes, and at his words, Morgana turned to face him. The joy spilled out onto her face, and his heart warmed to see this. "I will do whatever it takes," he repeated the words that he'd just thought in his head, "I will protect Morgana, or die trying."

"Merlin." Morgana whispered, and he thought that he could see the tiniest glimmer of a tear in her eyes. "I love you."

"Oh my Young Warlock," The Dragon's voice sounded desperately sad, "You are truly lost."

Merlin smiled, "Actually, I think I've never been so at home."

He stretched out his hand to Morgana, and she didn't hesitate to grasp onto it. He could feel his power thrumming through his body, like nothing he'd ever felt before. 

This is what it must feel like, to embrace the darkness. He thought, relishing the feeling. I have unlocked my full potential. Morgana has shown me the way.

Morgana gasped and looked down at their hands, then back up to Merlin in wonderment.

"Can you feel that?" she murmured, "is that... you?"

"Yeah," Merlin chuckled, "But it's also you."

She looked at him quizzically.

"You've unlocked this power from within me, and I have never felt so powerful."

She breathed out through narrow lips, and smiled. Merlin could tell she wanted to kiss him, because he wanted to as well. Hell, he wanted to do more than that. He wanted to touch every inch of her body, he wanted to feel her skin against his, he wanted her, in ways that he'd never wanted anyone before. 

"I will do anything you want me to." He vowed to her, holding her gaze so that she knew how serious he was.



Merlin, no. The Dragon's voice was persistent in his head, but he brushed it aside.

"I want Camelot." She said simply, and Merlin nodded in response.

"I thought you might say that - you don't ask for much, do you." He joked, and she stifled a laugh.

"Just what is rightfully mine." She shrugged.

He turned to face Kilgharra, hardly believing the words he was about to utter, but knowing in his heart that this is what he needed to do.

""O drakon," Merlin began, finding the language inside of him. "Fthengomai au se kalon su katerkheo deuro!" 

You must attack.  He said in his head to Kilgharra, for good measure.

Where? Kilgharra's pained response came immediately. 


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