Chapter Sixteen - For Camelot

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She had never felt so alive. So free. 

The feeling of the wind running its fingers through her hair and across her dress was wonderful, and she couldn't help but close her eyes, tilt her head back and relish the feeling.

Morgana could almost believe that she was flying solo, were it not for the steady beat of the dragon's wings, and the occasional jolts that made her clutch at his scales with an ever-tighter grip. 

Opening her eyes once more, she peered down at the landscape below. Everything looked so different from up here, so tiny. It was as if she was looking a model of the world she once knew, and she could pick and choose which bits to keep. In the distance, she could see the castle, glowing enticingly, as if it was sending her a welcoming greeting. She almost couldn't recognise the surrounding forest, even though she had grown up playing there. The trees looked more like bottle brushes, but their canopies were so thick that she couldn't see to the forest floor; it was impossible to tell if there were people travelling below, or if she was truly alone in this wonderful world. The only exception to her happiness, was that she wished that Merlin could be here with her. She imagined him sitting behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist and keeping her close to his chest. 

"I love you, Morgana." He'd say, and she'd smile and hold his hands and they'd feel each other's power coursing through their veins. It still almost seemed too good to be true that Merlin was Emyrs. Never again would she have to fear that her plans would be thwarted, never again did she have to fear her death.

She was so caught up in her thoughts, that she didn't notice that Camelot was now looming directly beneath them.

"Land in the square!" She called down to Kilgharrah. He didn't respond to her verbally, but seemed to follow the request; his wings changing their angle so that they swerved down to the right.  

She grabbed onto his scales tighter, and squeezed her legs together, desperately trying to remain seated on his back. He definitely did not want her there, and seemed to be doing everything in his power to knock her off of him, while making it look like an accident.

Morgana could hear the screams of the villagers below before she could see the individuals making the noise. Mothers and children ran through the streets, clutching at each other, and workmen stood, mouths agape, their work tools dropped and forgotten at their feet. Kilgharrah swooped forwards to the square, raising his wings higher as he spiraled down to the ground. Morgana closed her eyes to stop the world from spinning around her, but opened them again a few seconds later, when she sensed they had almost landed. 

All around her came the yells of the Knights that were left in Camelot; all scrabbling to defend the Kingdom without their King. Arrows were whistling past her head, a little too close for comfort. She had to stop it.

Once Kilgharrah had landed in the square with an almighty thump, Morgana carefully stood on the dragon's back, and mustered the loudest voice she could.

"Your King, is dead!" She proclaimed, using her magic to shield her body from the arrows flying around her. 



"Kill her!"

The cries from the surrounding soldiers and Knights told her that she would have to change her tactic. She and Merlin had anticipated that the news of Arthur's apparent death would not sit easily with his subjects, and they would need proof. Merlin explained that he had forged Arthur's sword with Kilgharrah, and he knew every fine detail about the blade - right to to inscription on the sides. 

"If we make a replica of the sword, and make it a little more battered - as if Arthur's been in a fight - then Gwen and those closest to Arthur will not be able to tell the difference." Merlin had assured her. 

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