Chapter One - Bad dreams

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Morgana finds herself in a difficult position when Merlin, one of her worst enemies, crops up in her dreams, resurfacing old feelings she had long since forbidden...

Chapter One - The dream.

Morgana tossed in her small bed, her mind corrupted and lost to the world of nightmares.

In her dream, Camelot fought back against her mighty army, killed all of them until it was only her left. She stood in front of Arthur in the throne room, staring at him defiantly as he whirled his mighty sword.

"Don't believe you can defeat me!" She smirked, "I can strike you down easily."

She raised her hand above her face, closing her eyes in concentration. "Hleap on bæc!" She opened her eyes, expecting to see Arthur on the ground, defenceless.

He was still standing there, his face impassive.

"Hleap on bæc!" she repeated, however this time a touch of concern trickling into her tone.

No, no, no... it was happening again... just like the last time she faced up to her brother. Her magic was once again gone, and she was left defenceless. No. This could not be happening!

She attempted to run but, as the matter usually is in dreams, her legs felt like they were stuck steadfast in solid rock, unable to move. Arthur moved toward her once more, a sly grin bursting onto his face. He was happy she was about to die. Once more she raised her hand above her to cast the stunning spell.

"Hleap on bæc!"


Not even the slightest push.

Every cell in her body fought the urge to scream as her magic deserted her, and Arthur thrust the sword through her body. It hurt so much more than she could have imagined.

"I told you I'd get you sister..." He whispered as she slipped into the darkness. "I warned you playing with magic was a dangerous game... I'm King here, and no sorcerer is going to overthrow me."

Suddenly, Arthur was knocked aside violently by a strong hand. A dark haired boy quickly knelt down beside her, picked her up and propped her against one of the white pillars in the hall. Her scarlet blood stained the stone, seeped onto the floor. Merlin swept the hair from her face and looked deep into her eyes.

"You're not going to die Morgana... - I forbid it."

"" she stuttered, staring into the everlasting expanse of blue that was his eyes. She was fading, slipping.

However, in her dream Merlin breathed the life back into her, healed her wound. He saved her.

"Merlin." She breathed, touching his face.

"I'm right here." He smiled.

Morgana's eyes snapped open with violent suddenness. What was that all about? Why did he save her? Why did her magic desert her? Old memories resurfaced in her mind, back when she was Morgana Gorloise, Ward of Uther Pendragon. Back when everything was so simple, and magic was just a small cloud at the back of her mind. Back when life was full of friends. Back when Merlin was her friend. She'd often be drifting through the castle, feeling bored and annoyed at Uther when she'd see him. Just walking across the courtyard with Arthur, or laughing with Gwen in the servants quarters... or even laughing with her, sharing jokes, sharing secrets, having fun.

Morgana sighed. Fun. Such a stupid word.

"Stupid!" she cursed out loud. To prove she still had magic, she smashed a pot against the wall with her eyes, shattering it into a million pieces.

"Stupid." she muttered to herself again. Her feelings for Merlin were gone. She would not let them return. That meant weakness... weakness led to death. She was dark, she was powerful, she was born to be Queen and she would not rest until each one of her old friends was slumped dead at her feet. She would not think about Merlin except how to kill him. Stupidity had led her to love him before. Stupidity... plain and simple. Twisted and cruel love.

"Stupid." she told herself for the last time as she rose from the bed. "Don't even think about him. Ever."

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