Chapter Eleven - Uprising.

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End of Chapter 10: (For those who forgot)

"You saved my life. You cared for me. And, I love you. I always have!" Morgana assured him.

Merlin thought back to their time together in Camelot. He certainly used to believe that they both had feelings for each-other, but when Morgana's mind grew twisted and evil in the power of Morgause, he felt her love grow dim, and be replaced by hatred.

"Have you?" He bit his lip un-certainly.

"Yeah." She swallowed, brushing a hand across his cheek.

He rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. "I love you too." He murmured, once they'd both relaxed into each-other.

She smiled as he tilted her chin up so their lips met in a kiss, filled with passion.

Her hand wound around his shoulders, reeling him closer to her. He didn't object, and wound his fingers in her raven hair, threading the strands between them.

Their lips moved in sync, as if they were made to fit each-other. He allowed her access when she asked for it once more, and they fought for dominance, both too lazy to really try.

Merlin's heart was beating faster with every passing second, and his fingers were starting to shake with the amount of emotion that he felt in his heart.

He was well and truly under Morgana's spell... But for once there was no magic involved.

Chapter 11

Merlin's hand felt un-naturally warm contrasting against Morgana's ice cold ones. The moment their fingers had laced together, he'd almost jumped back in surprise at the difference in temperature.

Morgana had assured Merlin that this was normal for her, and that her hands were always cold. She'd secretly thought that they matched with her cold heart, but she didn't say this aloud. She was convinced that if Merlin ever found out how little she cared about anyone else other than him, then he'd leave her. He'd join Arthur.

Then they'd end up killing each other.

Her mind never drifted to the thought of killing him anymore. Since they'd now united forces, their magic was unstoppable, and neither of them would have to endure the pain of fighting each other again.

They'd grown attached to each other so quickly in the past few weeks, almost too quickly. It was as if they'd been making up for lost time when she'd been out of Camelot.

However, she could tell that her partner missed his home and his friends. She often caught him gazing into the distance, as if wishing he could return to the place he'd built up his life as an adult.

"I promise you we'll return to Camelot." She'd told him, time and time again. "When we attack, I will be Queen and you can be my King... it will be perfect."

Merlin had kept this to himself, but he never thought of himself as a King; he had grown too used to the servant life to ever think about others serving him.

Instead, he'd just smiled at her. He kept on smiling even though his heart was hurting. It was breaking inside of his chest, but he couldn't do anything about it.

He couldn't even talk to Morgana, because he'd fallen in love with a heartless, cold monster, who cared not even for her own brother. He couldn't stand the thought of hurting Arthur, or Gwen - or any of his friends for that matter... it was just the thought of losing Morgana was just as painful. He'd already lost her twice, and he didn't intend to again.

He wanted to make her see that there was more to life than killing and hatred. He wanted to expell the darkness from within her and bring back the light that used to fill her heart with kindness. Unfortunately, this was proving to be a difficult task. Especially since the only kind of relationship that Morgana had in mind, was a physical relationship, with the added bonus of Merlin's protection against all those who seeked to kill her.

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