Chapter Five - The shadow

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Chapter 5- The shadow

"I have to go now." Merlin murmured.

"Okay." Morgana sighed, not moving.

"Er, Morgana?" He looked down at their intertwined hands. "You can let me go now..."


She sighed and stood up with him, grabbing her knife from the table.

"Get out." She frowned, motioning towards the door. Swallowing, Merlin nodded and opened it, the hinges creaking painfully. "Be careful." She added as an afterthought before he slipped away into the night.

Watching him go with regret, Morgana turned towards her bookshelf containing spells and potion instructions alike.

"This ends now." She promised herself, using her magic to flick through the dusty pages of a book of poisons. This has gone on long enough. If she couldn't kill him by magic.. she'd have to kill him the old fashioned way.


Merlin stealthily crept through the forest, watching his back for any sign of intrusion. He had expected Morgana to kill him days ago. Even though he loved her and was sure she felt the same way... he could tell that was not what was on her mind at the moment. She was probably thinking - much like him - how the hell the two of them got into this mess. How the hell they hadn't destroyed each other yet. How the hell they hadn't been discovered. How the hell-

"Merlin, my man!" A loud voice exclaimed, and before he knew it; Merlin was lying face down in the dirt, an armoured Gwaine on top of him.

"Hi." He replied weakly, pushing the knight off him.

"Sorry." Gwaine grinned, brushing the mud off his chainmail.

"What are you doing here?" Merlin frowned.

"Patrol." Gwaine raised his eyebrows, as if was the most obvious thing in the entire world.


"What are you doing here?"

"Erm." Merlin faltered, looking for an excuse.

A slow grin spread out onto his friends face.

"You were with that girl weren't you!"

"No!" Merlin cried, a little too quickly.

"Suuurree." Laughed the knight, standing up. "I believe you..."

"Shut up." Merlin mumbled, red creeping onto his cheeks.

"Yooou, are blushing!" Gasped Gwaine in mock horror, pinching Merlin's cheeks.

"Am not." He stared at the floor, doing anything to avoid his friends gaze.

"Yes you aaree!"








"SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU!" Arthur shouted from behind them. Merlin yelped in suprise, Gwaine snorted, and the King rolled his eyes. "Would you please care to explain to me Merlin what the hell you are doing here?"

"I was err... herb picking. For Giaus." He stuttered.


"Erm, yeah?"

Arthur smirked, obviously enjoying making his servant uncomfortable.

"Well where are they then?"

Merlin glanced down at his decidedly empty hands. Crap.

"I... lost them?"

"I see."

"When er, Gwaine knocked me over."

"And they just happened to disappear into thin air?"

Gwaine snorted.

"Yes." Merlin nodded. "I mean, NO..."

Arthur laughed this time. "Once again Merlin, I find myself in the position of using your very own made up word here. Clotpole."



Arthur had noticed how troubled his friend was. He often got shifty when the went into the woods, glancing over his shoulder every once in a while. His visits to the tavern had seemed to be increasing, until one night when Arthur went to check up on him and had found out he'd never even been to the tavern.

Questioning Merlin about it later, he'd just been rewarded with the usual excuse: "I was running errands for Giaus."

As he watched Merlin walk out of the castle alone that night, with no torch and no weapon, he made a decision. He was going to follow him.

It wasn't hard... Merlin made no effort to cover up his tracks. - Where ever he was going. The route took the both of them deep into the forest, where no lights from the castle penetrated the darkness. The only thing that gave Arthur light was the moon glinting off his sword. It was dark. Too dark. Too dark for 'running errands for Giaus.' Merlin was up to something. His suspicions had been true.

Suddenly, the darked haired boy paused, in the middle of a clearing. Arthur stealthily hid himself behind a huge tree trunk, peeping his head around so he could see what his friend was doing. His eyes widened when he saw Morgana, his half sister, slope out of the darkness. He had to hold back the sobs that threatened to errupt in his throat.

But then his sadness turned to anger... they disbelief... then shock as he watch Morgana and Merlin get closer and closer to eachother until... they were kissing.

Arthur shook his head from side to side.

It had to be a spell. A sick, sick spell Morgana had cast on him. It had to be.

"Merlin!" He heard his voice shout, as he stepped away from the tree trunk.

The two of them whipped their heads around.

Arthur raised his sword.

What happened next, the King wasn't expecting. He didn't know what he had thought would happen... - but it wasn't this.

Morgana threw herself in front of Merlin - as if protecting him - and hissed,

"Don't you dare touch him."

Anger radiated through him, and Arthur charged forwards, sword pointed.

"Merlin, MOVE!" Shouted Morgana, shoving Merlin out of the way.

"Morgana!" He yelled, as Arthur brought the sword into her chest.

She gasped.

She choked.

She collapsed.

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