Chapter Six - Healing

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Chapter Six

Merlin stared at the place the girl he loved had been...5 seconds ago.

"" Morgana murmured, blood trickling from the wound in her chest.

"No, no, no!" He whispered, kneeling down beside her. "You're okay. You're gunna be okay."

"Merlin, what the hell are you doing?" Exclaimed Arthur, yanking his servant on the arm. "C'mon."

"What have you done?" Merlin started at him, his eyes fiery.

"Me?" Arthur scoffed. "I could ask you the same! Were you not with Morgana, betraying me?"

Merlin did not answer; he just crouched there, like a dangerous animal ready to pounce...shaking his head, his mouth in at tight line, his face ashen.

"How could you?" He muttered. "How could you?"

"Merlin! What is WRONG WITH YOU?" Arthur spluttered

"You have no idea..." The wizard muttered darkly.

"I can only assume Morgana has you under a spell..." The king shook his head before raising an arm to strike his servant upon the head, to knock him out.

Merlin's eyes flashed, and Arthur flew backwards, unaware of what had hit him.

"It's gunna be okay." He reassured Morgana gently, although he wasen't even sure if things would ever be okay, ever, ever again. "Please don't leave me, please, please, please don't leave me."

Gently, he swooped her limp body from the ground, being careful not to jog her too much.

"M-merlin?" A small whisper escaped her white lips.

"Morgana!" He paused, cupping he face with his hand, trying to ignore the dark red scarlet blood, seeping between them.

"It hurts..."

"I know, I know." He soothed, pressing a kiss to her lips gently. "I'm gunna heal you. It's gunna be okay."

Panic flashed through Morgana at these words. How could she possibly ever kill Merlin now? Her feelings were so confused. EVERYTHING was so confusing. She wanted to be with Merlin, more than anything. It was the most powerful emotion she'd ever felt... however, he was bad.

He was like terrible, terrible medicine. They were destined to kill eachother.

And yet, here she was taking swords for him, and he he was saving her life and kissing her.


Gwaine knew something was wrong when his King was not in his chambers. He knew  the situation was critical when Gauis had no clue where Merlin or Arthur was.

"Damn it." He muttered, jogging down the corridor to Percivals room. "Perce?" He called, banging on the door. "I need ya!"

"What?" He grumbled, opening the door slowly. "What do you want?"

"The King and Merlin are missing." Gwaine murmured in a low voice, careful so no prying people could hear.

"That's bad." Percivals eyes widened, and he grabbed his sword from the side of the door. "So let's go find them. Right now." 

Grabbing onto his friends arm, he pulled Gwaine through the castle to the stables. 

"C'mon. Think." He turned towards Gwaine, as they rode through the moonlit castle gate. "Do you know where they could have gone?"

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