"So then here comes this guy and his leg is dangling off and I almost passed out because there's blood everywhere and you can see the bone." I was telling Leonora about what I had done that day at the medical bay she looked at me with a face of disgust as I told her my story

"And so I was going to let mom handle it but she said "Lydia you're a doctor now. Deal with it." I mean ugh yes mom I know I'm a doctor now but can you cut me some slack? I mean I had to cut his leg off but whatever anyways it was gross." I said speaking into the phone.

Leonora looked at me from behind the glass that separated us. She gave me a small smile as I heard her breath through the phone.

"Lydia I'm dying in three days can we maybe talk about something else other than death and gory emergency room stories?" She asked as I nodded

"So Clarke and I went out on a date last week to celebrate our three year anniversary and too say the least it ended pretty well." I said to her giving her a wink as she laughed

"Three years huh?" She asked as I nodded

"When you went to jail Clarke and I were taking a break after being together for a year. And now two years later we made three years." I said kind of not believing it.

"Shouldn't it be two years?" She asked


"Because you guys dated for a year broke up for a month then got back together." She explained as I shrugged

"Whatever. I still say its three years." I said as she nodded. We stayed quiet as I looked at my nails. After a couple of minutes of silence I smacked the table

"Damm it Leonora why the hell are we avoiding the elephant in the room?" I questioned as she looked at me

"What elephant?" She asked innocently as I shot her a glare

"Ugh because! Damn Lydia I don't want to talk about my death." She said

"Well I need too. Okay? I need to talk about how I'm not going be seeing you on Friday anymore. I need to talk about how I'm not going to be giving you a birthday present this year.

I need to talk about how these are the last hours I have with you. I need to-" I said as my voice cracked. My head fell to my hands as my eyes welled up with tears.

"Well you get to live. And I die. So deal with it." She said as I held back a sob and wiped a tear away.

"Stop crying your nose is going to get the same shade of red as your hair." She said more softly.

And as I lifted my head to look at her one last time the dream started to shift. I got to see her smile one last time before the scene changed and I was sitting down in a different room.

It was where I worked at as an engineer. I looked around the room as the door opened.

"You have the results that I asked for Lydia?" Asked Clarke's dad. I looked back at the desk and gave them to him.

"Are you sure these are correct?" He asked as I nodded. We stayed there for hours looking at every possibility of saving the ark but there was no answer. The ark was dying.

The dream shifted again as I sat back in my room as my dad walked in.

"Lydia.." He said as he stood by the open door.

"You know I have to arrest Clarke as well." He said to me with his hands behind his back.

"I know." I said a bit dead.

"We can't have panic and mayhem on the ark." He told me

"I understand." I said a bit louder As he nodded.

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