Part I: The Survivor

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The sun rose above the otherwise dark sky. The stars faded away, replaced by sunlight. They were all back at the bunker.
"Sam," Kelsey shook him awake, "wake up, I made breakfast...or a breakfast run. I don't know how to work the oven."
Sam, apparently, was the last one to wake up; everyone else was sitting at the table. The only one missing was Cole.
Sam and Dean had been introduced to Andrew and Jenkins the night before by Claire, so they talked about what would happen next over their breakfast burritos.
"Sho you shaid it was like the darknesh," Dean said with his mouth full, "with a lock and key."
"Yeah," Kelsey replied, "which is...a problem, to say the least. See, closing hell and purgatory forever is good, but it serves like the Mark of Cain, and another way to get into Lucifer's cage."
"Sho itsh open again?" Dean asked.
Kelsey nodded, and added, "along with...something else. And since hell is closed, he doesn't have too many places to go if you kill him. It's going to be harder than last time, Sam."
A silence fell over the table.
"But it's possible?" Sam asked. Kelsey nodded. "Then I'll do it."
"But Sam," Kelsey protested, "he knows your weaknesses, he knows how to find you, and that makes him stronger and more powerful."
"I don't care," Sam replied immediately, slamming his hands down on the table and shaking the plates. "he's going to go back in that cage. Or die, if it's even possible. And we might even be able to get Adam back."
"Adam's dead, Sam," Dean swallowed and raised his voice, "he died years ago, in the cage. The only thing that's down there now is Lucifer and Michael."
"But there's still a chance Dean-"
"Give it up, Sam. Drop it. Adam's probably having a grand old time up there in heaven with his mom, just like Amelia and Jimmy-"
Dean stopped himself, too late. He looked over at Castiel, who continued to stare at the pattern on the table, seemingly unfazed by what Dean had said.
Dean took a deep breath. "He's up in heaven. Not in the cage with Lucifer. And it's been that way for a while, Sam."
The table fell silent once again.
Suddenly, breaking the silence, the wall near the door exploded, sending chunks of drywall and cement and bricks flying across the room. Smoke billowed from the outside coming into the kitchen. Four demons came through the door, two girls and two boys, holding angel blades in their hands down at their sides. Their eyes were like black lakes, and they were all covered in fresh blood.
Sam, Dean, Kelsey, and Castiel jumped to their feet, Castiel and Kelsey pulling out their angel blades from the inside of their coats. Thomas and Claire grabbed their angel blades, which were already sitting on the table, and slowly got to their feet. They didn't dare move, just in case the thing that came through the door was too big for them to handle by themselves.
Andrew grabbed Jenkins, to protect him, and they both ducked into Dean's bedroom. The ones who stayed at the table had their eyes fixed on the hole in the wall, waiting for the threat to come inside. Sam ran over to a side table, unlocked the drawer, and got out two angel blades. He threw one to Dean, who caught it.
A fifth demon finally came in, tall and slender. She was wearing black jeans and a regular white t-shirt under a black leather jacket. She had an abnormally long angel blade of her own, and she held it up level with her waist, higher than the demons beside and behind her. She held the blade handle in her right hand and held the other end with her thumb and forefinger. The smoke and debris from the broken door cleared enough for her face to finally come into view.
No, it's not a demon, Sam thought. She was much more familiar than just a regular old demon. She wasn't even a demon at all.
She smirked as she spoke, her red lips parting to show her perfect white teeth. "Can we please stop the arguing?" Zoe jokingly asked. "Hey, Sam, Dean. Just thought I'd drop by. Hate to make such a mess." She paused and looked around at the ground at her feet. "I'm back."

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