Prized possesstion

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Day 6/20
"Yeah everything's fine, Trevor" I said reasuring him.
He is acting so protective right now and I have no idea why.
Jacob looked at Trevor then looked at me, I knew what he was thinking.
"Your food is ready" Jacob said pushing the meals towards us and we took it and went to the others at the tables.
We handed out all the food to everyone and began eating. Moments after Jacob appeared at the end of the table and practically lent over Kelsea who was on my left. Trevor who was on my right placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer towards him. Jacob noticed and moved back a bit.
"Is everything okay? Have you got everything you wanted?" He asked looking directly at me.
"Yes everything is fine!" Trevor snapped back.
"Oh okay, just say if you need anything" Jacob said clearly to me.
Why was he coming over to our table, leaving the till just to ask that? Thats not in their job contract is it?
None the less Trevor was acting so protective, like I was some prized possession.

We all ordered a mcflurry for desert and all had different toppings. I went over with Kelsea to get them and we were served my Jacob again, well this is awkward.
He kept on staring and smiling at me while kels was ordering for everyone. We payed and sat back down and ate everything. On our way out the door I felt my phone vibrate, it was Jacob.
I turned to look at him and he winked and smiled, I guess Trevor must have noticed and he held me by my waist and pulled me away. What is his problem?
So Jacob seems to be a bit flirty?:')
Btw the parts about Jacob are based on a real thing that happened with me and KelseaBeard maybe in the future i will explain fully:')

Loves ya


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