Awkward Moments Like These!

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A/N this chapter is gonna be more of an explanation to the story so you can get to know a few characters first. Let's begin...

This is my story, where do I begin. Ah yes! I know!
So im Olivia and im the best friend of the very successful YouTuber, Connor Franta. As we like to call ourselves siblings from other planets we trusted each other with our lives, although we dont get to see one another a lot mainly because he lives in Minesota in the USA and im from Devon in the UK. Two completly different people with completly different backgrounds who are each other's world. Along side Connor I have another best friend, she is called Kelsea and no joke, this girl is my everything. Without her, I wouldn't be where I am today. Her and Connor arent as close but they're still good mates. As for other friends, i dont have many. I keep it small and sweet when it comes to friends, you never know who will betray you and stab you in the back when you need them most.

Family....the part I've been dreding, i dont talk about them much to people. Thats one part of my life i keep locked away. Not for embarrassing reasons, for others, but thats a story for another day.

Today is the day myself and kelsea go back to school after the 6 and a half week summer break. All we did was have sleepovers, skype Connor and the rest of O2L when they were together.
(I know O2L arent and havent been together for a while now but in this story they are....Kay? Thanks:)
Went out on our own little adventures together and just had fun mainly.
Call me a freak but im actually looking forward to going back to school, lately I've been getting so bored and felt like it was the same rutine everyday.

"Are you ready, Olivia? Kelsea is here!" My mum called up the large extending stair case.
"Almost!....andddd...Done!" I shout back and ran down the stairs to see kelsea waiting for me in the double doorway with her bus pass in hand. heard me correct. Bus pass, i truely hate the bus, there is one girl on there, sanna. She was loud, obnoxious and down right two faced. Lovely at times but thats only when she uses you when you have nobody else. Trust me, I know.

We walked towards the bus stop and waited until it arrived.
In the meantime my phone started vibrating.
It was Connor.
I answered the phone and put it on speaker so kels could listen too.

( O= Olivia
K= Kelsea
C= Connor )

C- hey! Olivia! How's is going?

O- Con... Your on speaker by the way and we're waiting at the bus stop for school

K- hey!! Olivia, people are staring

I looked around and saw Kelsea was right.

O- Con Da Bon, im sorry, I will call you when I get home from school, will keep texting though?

C- oh shit! Im sorry! Sure thing, loves ya Olivia, byeee kels!

O- love you too Con, see ya

---End Of Call---

The bus arrived just as I hung up, people kept asking myself and Kelsea who Connor was, I promised to keep him a secret from other except kels otherwise people may use me for my friends. Today was going to be a long day, I can feel it.

I hope you enjoyed the first proper chapter!
I know Trevor hasnt come into it yet, but be patient my friends!:)


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