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Day 5/20
We all decided to head out for a meal, although it was late none of us had eaten anything since lunch.
Kian suggested we go to Nandos but nobody really fancied it at the time.
"How about good old McDonalds!?" I shouted out to everyone.
"Yasss, queen!" Ricky shouted back even though he was stood next to me.
"I could go for some McDonalds" Connor exclaimed.
So we agreed on going to Maccy's for dinner, a bit of a low-life but who could blame us? The food is so good!
Before we left we all ran into our seperate rooms and got dressed and ready.
( outfit to the side or above )

We separated into two cars.
Me, Connor, Trevor and Kian went in Connor's car and in JC's car was JC ( obvi ) Sam, Ricky, Hayes and Kels.

Once we arrived at Maccy's we all clambered out of the cars and walked into the restraunt, it wasnt that busy but it was still kinda loud.

Everyone told me and Trevor what they wanted and they went to find us a few tables since we all couldn't fit on one. We qued in the line of about 5 people until we were called next up to order.
"Hi, What would you like?" The cashier guy asked us.
'We said what we wanted'
"Okay, anything else?" He asked with a smile. I noticed his name was Jacob, he seemed to keep smiling at me and staring. Oh no! Did I have something on my face? Or was he just staring AT me. He looked so much like Trevor it was uncanny!
The same ocean blue eyes and cute face. Wow.
"No thank you" I said returning the smile.

We payed and Trevor headed over to everyone else with condiments and napkins while I stood and waited for the food.
In the corner of my eye I saw Jacob looking at me again so I turned a bit to face away. I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Jacob there smiling at me with a smile to die for just like Trev.
"Can I ask something?" Jacob said staring into my eyes.
"Umm okay" I smiled awkwardly.
"Can I have your number, please? I dont normally do this but you seem so nice and-" i cut him off.
"Yeah sure" he gave me a reasuring look.
Trevor came back over just as I passed Jacob his phone back.
"Everything okay?" He asked seriously then slipping his hand around my waist. Whats up with him, he never normally does this?
Oooo Trevor getting protective?
This chapter was pretty long for my 20 day thing but hey! Never mind:)
Hope you enjoyed it!

Loves ya❤️


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