Chapter 85

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Sarah's POV

" Sarah was late?"

" What do you mean?" I asked.

" Did he ya know....actually rape you?"

" Michael I-

" Sarah no..." Michael said, running his hands through his hair, turning his back to me.

" I didn't." I giggled a little, seeing him freak out.

" Oh." was all he said, turning around. We stood apart for a moment, before we were in each others arms.

" I'm so sorry I should have gotten here sooner!" he breathed, kissing my neck.

" Michael... it was not your fault." I said, as we were pressed together I realized he was still in boxers and had shampoo in his hair.

" Uh Michael." I said, pulling away.

" hmm?" he hummed.

" Your in boxers and you still have shampoo in your hair." I whispered, stifling a laugh.

" Oh shoot!" he said, feeling his hair. " Awh my hair!" he whined.

" It'll be fine." I laughed, referring to his hair.

" Uh miss." an officer said, laying a hand on my elbow. I turned and looked at a heavyset officer.

" We need you to come downtown to answer some questions." he said. I looked back at Michael who had stopped halfway up the stairs.

" I'm not going without him." I replied.

" We don't have much time miss." he said in an annoyed tone.

" Well then make some, he was here to and I don't wanna go anywhere without him." I growled. He reluctantly agreed as Michael ran upstairs to get the shampoo out of his hair.

Michael POV:

I washed the shampoo out of my hair in record time, passing up the blow drier and throwing some clothes on. Sarah had a shocked look on her face as the officer led us to his car.

" What?" I asked.

" Michael  Clifford didn't blow dry it style his hair!?" she gasped.

" Yeah you better look while you can, this is the one and only time." she laughed as the officer opened the doors for us.

" One of you can sit in the front if you would like."

" No we'd rather be together." I answered, letting Sarah in first, climbing in behind her. She immediately snuggled up to me and I wrapped my arm around her, savoring her sweet scent.

" I feel special." she whispered.

" Why?" I asked.

" Because I know you wouldn't not blow dry your hair for anyone else." she answered.

" Only for you darling." I chuckled, kissing her nose. She scrunched it up and smiled.

" Why do you do that?" she asked, I knew she liked it, and I really didn't know why I did it I just.....did.

" I don't know, it's just so cute how can you not kiss it?" I laughed. We didn't talk much more the whole ride there, and I didn't mind. My heart was still beating 2,000 miles an hour from what had just occurred. It seemed like I was always a split second away from losing Sarah a lot and it scared me. One of the things I admired and loved the most about her was her ability to come out of anything, smiling and laughing, like nothing had ever happened. I smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head softly, looking out the window. We had come to a stoplight and I noticed people with....cameras. I sighed. This was going to be all over the magazines and TMZ " MICHAEL CLIFFORD ARRESTED" I could just see it now, I'd have to call Matt and tell him to schedule meetings to clear the whole thing up, that reminded me. Nobody had any idea of what just happened. I dug in my pocket for my phone and pulled it out.

" What are you doing." Sarah asked.

" Nobody knows what happened. We gotta call our parents, then Matt then the crew." I said, dialing my mum.

" Oh right, at least one of us is thinking." she said, pulling out her phone.

Sarah's POV

When we got to the police station it was like one of those CSI episodes. The brought us to that plain grey room with the obvious one sided mirror. We were left alone to sit in those steel chairs that were freezing.

" Michael I'm scared out of my mind right now." I whispered, my eyes darting around the room.

" Why? It's not like we committed a crime, were just here to answer a few questions and then we'll be home, mums coming to pick us up." he answered. He looked totally cool about this, he was slouched down in his chair a little and his arms were crossed, and he was looking lazily towards the door.

" I can't breathe." I started panicking.

" Sarah calm down, everything's going to be fine." he said, patting his thighs. " come here." he said. I got out of my seat and sat on his lap, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

" Better?"

" Much." I answered, my heart beat slowing down to match Michaels. As we waited for the investigator I had a feeling things weren't going to go was just that nagging feeling you get, like your body is trying to tell you the future.

The investigator was a tall black man, with huge muscles about 6 foot 9 and his appearance was already scaring me, not to mention the look he gave us when he saw us sitting in the same chair. I cast my eyes down to the floor and slunk back over to the other chair, quickly taking a seat.

" Michael Clifford and Sarah Bognar?" he asked us.

" Yes sir." we answered, I think we were both a bit scared.

" I understand that Sarah Bognar was the victim of an attempted rape?"

" Yes." I answered, my voice shaking.

" And Michael Clifford was in the residence at the time?"

" Yes sir." Michael answered. He flipped through some pages in his file, back and forth. After about a minute the , flipping being the only noise in the room, it started to get to me.

" Um sir can I ask when we will be able to go home?" I questioned.

" Oh you can go any time miss it's just....he can't." he nodded towards Michael.

" WAIT WHAT!?" I said, standing up out of my chair.

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