Chapter 49

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Sarah's pov

During my tanning I continued to look up at the girl, and she always had her eyes on me and Michael. When I could stand it no longer I nudged Michael and he looked up at me.

" Hm?"

" That girl keeps staring at me, and I can't stand it anymore!"

" She's probably just some fan Angel."

" Even if she is, we need to go over there and tell her politely to stop staring!" he got up to follow me as we made our way over to the staring stalker girl, hand in hand.

When the girl noticed we were coming over she pretended to pick up a magazine.

" Hi." I said sweetly, smiling down at her. She looked up at me and smiled as well.

" Hi, is there something.. Wrong?" she asked.

" Uhm, I noticed you were looking over at us a lot and I wondered if you would mind stopping."

" I wasn't looking over there." she said, slamming down her magazine and standing up, this is where I started to get mad.

" Don't start getting an attitude with me!" I said, letting go of Michael's hand and stepping closer.

" Oh really and what will you do if I did?" she said, 2 inches from my face. Just as I was about ready to slap her, I felt Michael's comforting hand on my back.

" Whatever, just stop looking at me." I said, turning and walking away.

When we got back to our towel, I realized how incredibly thirsty I was.

" I'm gonna get drinks. Anybody want one?" Everybody put in an order, handed my money and I headed over to the drink bar.

" Hi 4 Cokes, 2 Dr. Pepper's and 2 Mt. Dews." I said to the man. Since it was a big order it took him a couple minutes, and when I turned to go back, guess who was standing next to Michael? Yeah, Becca.

I told the man that I would come back for our drinks and stormed back over to our area. Michael looked totally caught off guard and helpless as Becca rambled on and on about how he was meant for her. Damn, I should have taken my drink and poured it down her back

" I told you to stay away!" I said, Becca whirled around obviously surprised by my sudden appearance but she soon gained her composure.

" What are you going to do? Hit me." she mocked. That's it. And that's exactly what I would have done if Calum didn't grab me by my arms and hold me back as I was just about to swing.

" GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND NEVER COME BACK!" I yelled at her, she got the point and ran back to whoever she was with.

After I had cooled down they put me down, but cautiously. Once I proved to them I was alright they stopped worrying about me going and choking Becca and returned to flirting with their lovers. I got up and motioned for Michael to follow me.

I led him to a secluded area of the beach and sat in the sand, intertwining my fingers with Michael's.

" Michael.. I have a strong feeling she isn't going to stay away, and I don't want this to tear us apart."

He looked at me and just smiled.

" Then let's take it as an opportunity to make US stronger."

That made me break out into a smile and kiss this angel of a boy.

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