Chapter 74

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Sarah's POV

It was the first day of sixth form and we were all freaking out. This was a big year for all of us. We were finally going to rule the school. I was in total confusion on what to wear to the first day of sixth form.

" Babe, it's ok. Just pick something. You'll look sexy in whatever you pick." Michael said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

" I want to be sexy... but not to sexy." I said.

" Just pick anything." he whispered, kissing me gently on the neck and walking into the bathroom.

" The butterflies are going crazy in my stomach." I said, my knees trembling on the car ride to school.

" So when butterflies get nervous do they feel humans in their stomach?" Ash asked.

" Wow really?" Luke laughed.

" Were here." Michael whispered, squeezing my hand. I breathed in and let it out slowly, hopping out of the car. We were greeted with a lot of high fives and hugs from people we knew. It was going great so far, until we walked into the school. James was leaning up against Andrea's locker, staring at me as Andrea blabbed on to him.

" Michael..." I whispered fearfully.

" What." he asked. I pointed over at James and his face immediately darkened.

" I'll deal with him." he growled, walking over to James.

Michael's POV

When I saw James looking at Sarah like that, like a wolf looks at a baby rabbit, anger burned up and down my spine.

" I'll deal with him." I growled, walking briskly over to him.

" Excuse me Andrea, James I need to talk to you privately." I snapped. He just continued to lean against the locker, looking as if nothing was wrong.

" Andrea I'll catch up with you later." he said slowly, kissing her.

" Alright." she said, heading off to class. The bell rang, but neither of us moved to leave.

" Michael you coming?" Sarah called to me.

" No, go ahead, I'll meet you there." I said. She looked reluctant to leave me, but nodded. As soon as she was out of sight and ear shot I grabbed James by the shirt and slammed him up against the lockers.

" Listen here prick. You put one fucking finger on Sarah and I'll bust your balls so hard you won't even know what hit you. Don't talk to her don't even look at her, don't even BREATHE next to her. Got it?" I growled. He had fear in his eyes, but it didn't come through his voice.

" We'll see about that." he laughed, with a cocky smirk on his face.

" Whatever, but I promise you. I will personally kill you if you even so much as lay a finger on her." I hissed, putting him down harshly and walking down the hall to class.

Sarah's POV

The teacher was going on with some first day speech, but I wasn't listening. I was waiting for Michael to get back. I was worried James was going to stab him or something. When he walked through the door, relief washed over me. He had a pissed off look on his face as he took the empty seat next to me.

" Your late Mr. Clifford." the teacher said.

" Yeah, No shit." he said. My eyes went wide as I looked over at him and gave him "the look". His features softened and he apologized.

" I'm sorry, I won't be late again." he said.

" What was that all about!" I whispered when the teacher nodded and turned away.

Ends With You (A Michael  Clifford FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz