Chapter 51

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Sarah's pov

" WHAT NO!!" I screamed.

" Men.... show him the punishment." Becca whispered, as I thrashed in her grasp, trying to get away and run to Michael. Two men picked Michael up by the arms and threw him to the ground with a sickening thud, just like they had ash. I couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't cry as they kicked Michael, over and over in the stomach and every inch of his body.

All around me, everything was moving slowly. Everybody was screaming and crying.... and I couldn't hear any of it. I was watching my heart and soul being beaten to death...right in front of my eyes. Blood was pouring out of his mouth and the bruises were already showing.

" STOP IT NOW!!!!" I found my voice and it came out so loud everybody stopped, and turned to me.

" Stop it... if you want Michael, take him...I-" I thought about what I was about to say... and Michael's eyes, that were slowly sliding closed.

" I don't need him anymore, you can have him." I sighed. His eyes snapped open and he had the most horrible look on his face, I had to look away.

" Aw poor see even your girlfriend doesn't need you anymore, but I do." she said, pouting her lips and leaning down to Michael. I hung my head, not wanting to look Michael in the eye. When I looked around into all my friends faces, disappointment showed in each one, the only one that wasn't there was Alli.... where had she gone? I looked around one more time, just to make sure she wasn't in fact there and she wasn't.

I glanced at Calum and gave him "those eyes". He cocked his eyebrow at me, wondering what I meant. I looked around to see if anybody had noticed our silent exchange, but it had gone un noticed. I moved my neck to the side and looked down, telling him to look to his side, the last place Alli had been. He finally got my point and looked over, his eyes went wide when he realized Alli wasn't there.

" What are you looking at!" Becca spat at me.

" Uh...Uh nothing." I stuttered. She looked at me, un convinced. She began counting us, and my heart sank.

" WHERE'S THE OTHER GIRL!" she screamed. " THERE WERE 8 OF THEM! FIND HER!" all the men spread out.

" Well! Did you find anything!?" Becca cried, as they all met back in the living room. They all turned up empty handed, she had gotten away! She had gone for help!

" Nothing Boss." said a masked person.

" YOU LET HER GET AWAY! YOU DUMB ASSES! SHE WENT FOR HELP! WERE GOING TO BE CAUGHT!" she spat, running her hands through her hair. But would help come soon enough?

As we sat, bound, and waited for help to come Becca was pacing the floor, trying to figure our what to do.

" It's the only way...." she kept muttering. " It's the only way!" she said, snapping her head up with a crazed look in her eye.

" Kill them, kill them all. Dispose of them, it's the only way to keep them from telling."

" NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!" I stuttered quickly, trying to come up with a quick plan.

" Just shut up!! Just SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" she screamed. She said a few things to her people and they all took out guns.

" I'm sorry it had to be this way... but.

" DROP THE GUN!" The door crashed to the floor and police flooded the house.

" FREEZE AND PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" They pushed the criminals against the wall and hand cuffed them. I wasted no time in pushing Becca to the ground and running to Michael's side.

" Michael... Michael...Michael!" I whispered, shaking him slightly. He wasn't opening his eyes and he was barely breathing.

"Michael! Michael PLEASE!" I cried, holding onto him.

" You....don't" he whispered.

" No Michael! I need you more then anything! I just said that so you wouldn't get hurt.. Baby I need you more then air! Please don't take that seriously!!" I cried hysterically, I didn't mean for him to take it like this. He just shook his head slightly as men loaded him onto a stretcher, along with Ash in another one. I ran by his side the whole way to the ambulance and I tried to climb in the back.

" I'm sorry miss you can't come in the back, there is no room we will be brining him to the Red Cross hospital across town." a paramedic said, slamming the doors shut. I couldn't tell the love of my life just how much I needed him.. And I may never, nobody knew if he was going to make it out alive and I couldn't handle that, I blacked out, right in the middle of the street.

Michael's POV

As they loaded me into the ambulance, all I could think about was Sarah saying that she didn't need me anymore. I knew it was a lie, to protect me, but I hadn't said I didn't love her just to please Becca. I would give my life up for Sarah, but she wouldn't give hers for me? The paramedic was talking to me and I could only vaguely hear him as the light started to go black in my eyes, and they slid closed.

Calum's POV (bet you didn't see that coming eh eh eh 😏)

I watched Sarah fall to the hard black top and I rushed to her side.

" Sarah!" I cried, scooping her up. " Guys come on! Were going to the hospital!" I cried, loading Sarah into my car, the others filed into the car and I started it, pressing the pedal to the floor as I sped to the hospital.

When we got there Sarah hadn't woken up so I had to once again carry her into the emergency room.

" Hi our friends was just taken here where do we go to see about him!?" I asked. She eyed Sarah but gave me my answer.

" Down the hall to the right." she pointed.

" Thanks!" I said. We all went down the hallway, to the right and found a bunch of paramedics standing around.

" Hi are you the people that took our two friends here?!" I asked frantically.

" The Crazy Hair kid and Ashton Irwin?" they asked.

" Yeah, Michael and ash." I said, annoyed they had called him " Crazy Hair Kid."

" Yes... their in the operating room right now but we can take you to their waiting room if you'd like."

" Yeah that." I said.

" Sure follow us."

We took our seats and I laid Sarah across the only couch in the room. Once again we had found ourselves in a hospital waiting room, waiting for the news to see if our lives would change forever

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