Chapter 25

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Michael & ash at Joe's)

Michael's pov

"There's nothing here ash!"

"Shut up! Look! Come here!!!" He says as he goes into the alleyway

"What?" I run over to him

"I knew I heard her phone ring! This is hers!" He shows me her mobile phone

"So she was here!? Why did she leave her phone....?" I ask She would have known if she dropped it... but maybe she couldn't pick it up. This is where I started to fear the worst.

"What's that?" Aha points at something

"WHAT'S WHAT!?" I yell

"This" he picks up a soggy black thing

"It's some hobo's wallet! Who cares!?" I say blankly

"Uhm.... Michael? You might wanna see this." As he opens it

"SHIT!!!!" I say as I look at the drivers licence

Sarah's pov

???: I need to go out and get something for tonight. Can I trust you to be a good girl?

"Yes sir." I say

???: Good. I'll be back soon! *leaves*

I jumped up and watched him leave out the window. Right when the car was out of view I immediately started looking for a way out. All the windows were locked. The door was bolted shut. I sat down in desperation and finally began to cry. Cry because I never got to say goodbye to my parents. Never got to apologize to Alli & Celine and let them know I was ok and I loved them so much! And for never settling things with Michael. Weather I liked it or not I loved him. Loved him more then life itself! I needed him more than anything in the world and I needed him to know that but I guess he never would. I heard my name being called in the distance. At first it was faint and then it started to get louder. It sounded like Alli! I ran to the window and banged on it as hard as I could. I tired the door again kicking it a thousand times but it wouldn't budge. I started screaming as loud as I could. I guess they didn't hear over the pouring rain because their voices started getting farther and farther away. I sat down with my back against the door and did the only thing I could. I prayed.

Alli's pov

"Wait go back!" I yell

"Why?" Celine asks

"I heard someone screaming inside that shack thing."

"I didn't hear it."

"Well I did now go back!!!!!!!" I yell

"Ok let me make a u turn jeez!"

(They get stuck at a light)

"Come on! Come on!" I yell

Michael pov

"Isn't that!?" I ask

"Yeah it is..." Ash says

"SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! GET IN THE CAR NOW!!!!!!!" I scream James set this up I know he did! It's all because Sarah broke up with him. What a sick bastard. We get in the car and we speed off towards the only place we know where he'll be.

Sarah POV
When I was done with my prayer something silver caught my eye. A knife! I ran over to the table and grabbed it. I raced to one of the windows and began to pick the lock. This is where knowing Calum came in handy! I picked the lock in a matter of seconds. The problem was the window was really small. First I hoisted my upper body through it leaving my feet dangling. That's when I heard the door knob turn

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