Chapter 80

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Michaels POV

When Madison kissed me, I totally freaked out and pushed her away.

" WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted. The music stopped and all the lights turned back on.

" THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T WANT TO WORK WITH HER! I KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO DO THIS!" I walked as fast as I could off set and back to my dressing room, slamming and locking the door behind me. I was so frustrated right now. Everything seemed to be going wrong. Sarah thinking that I was going out partying with other girls every night, and then the whole dress situation.... it was just a huge mess that I couldn't handle right now. I broke down and silent tears of frustration made their way down my cheeks.

" Michael...." My mum softly knocked.

" Please... I just want to be alone right now." I answered.

" I need to talk to you open the door please." she said. I didn't really want to answer the door, but since she was my mum I opened it anyway. She didn't say anything as we both took our seats again.

" So tell me what's going on." she said calmly. I don't know how she did it.... but I suddenly began to babble away about all my problems.

" Well it just seems all so frustrating trying to balance my fame and my family. I have no idea what's going on at home right now, or how Sarah is, and how I always leave at the most important moments like I'm so afraid right now that James is going to hurt Sarah and I'm not going to be able to save her this time. And I just want to quit...." I sighed. I prepared myself for the long speech that was bound to come with what I just said. She would go into the " do you know how much I gave up for you" speech and she would work herself up and then she would cry. But when I looked up.... she was just smiling.

" I know... Matt told me." she smiled softly.

" Well? Aren't you going to give me the speech?" I asked.

" No." she laughed. " This is your decision this time." she said, standing up and kissing my forehead, leaving the room. She always knew how to get to me.

Third Person's POV:

What Michael didn't know as he sat alone in the dressing room, was that someone was about to make his life even worse. They had taken a picture of the kiss, and it was making the front pages of tabloids reading "Michael Clifford. TWO Sweethearts?" and everything was about to become much worse.

Alli POV:

" Oh shit Alli don't open the door!" I heard Calum say. He was looking through the window and his mouth was hanging open.

" What?" I said, standing next to him and looking through.

" Oh no." I said, a lump forming in my throat and my eyes watering up. " She wouldn't." I whimpered. We kept on watching, it didn't look like her and this mystery's guys lips were connected but they were really close to kissing. I couldn't believe.... I didn't want to believe that Sarah would even think about cheating on Michael. They had been through so much already and I don't think she would want to put herself through more.

Sarah's POV

When James titled my chin up just like Michael did, I began to panic. His lips were inches from mine and I couldn't move. No matter how hard I tried, I wanted to pull away so bad it hurt but I was glued to the spot as his lips got closer to mine.

" James please..." I whimpered. I really didn't want him to kiss me.

" Just tell me when to stop." he whispered, getting ever so closer.

" STOP!" Someone screamed, bursting through the door. James's head snapped in the direction of the door and I sighed in relief, Alli and Calum walked through the door.

" GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THIS DAMN HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK!" Calum yelled. His face getting red and his hands balled into fists. James was considerably smaller then Calum and he didn't want to pick a fight, so he scampered out the door faster then the speed of light.

" Thank you so-

" How could you." Alli said, tears in her eyes.

" Wait what!? How could I what! I didn't kiss-

" We saw you Sarah...." Calum said, disappointment on his face.

" No! I didn't! Wait were you guys WATCHING me!?" I asked.

" Would it make a difference! You shouldn't be doing anything we can't see!" Calum said.

" But I didn't kiss him! It might have looked like I did but I would NEVER! I LOVE MICHAEL ONLY!" I fought back.

" Then why didn't you pull away...." Alli whispered.

Michaels POV

I decided to go apologize and explain myself to Madison, I didn't mean to yell at her like I had. I walked out of my dressing room and down the hall to hers. I walked up to her door, and raised my hand to knock when I heard soft crying behind the door. I sighed and put my hand down. I had made her cry. I hated it when girls cried it was my weakness. Against my better judgement I knocked on the door.

" Go away." she sniffled.

" It's Michael.... I want to talk." She didn't answer for awhile.

" Fine... it's open." I turned the door knob slowly and walked in. Their were tissues all over the floor surrounding the couch where she was sitting and her makeup was all over the place.

" Hey Madison I'm really sorry for yelling like that. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." I said quietly. Taking a seat across from her.

" It's alright... I deserved it." she sniffled, wiping her eyes the best she could.

" Here I got it." I said, being nice and taking the tissue, wiping off some of the dried mascara tracks.

" Thanks." she weakly smiled. " But Michael... you have to know I still have really strong feelings for you." she said, looking hopeful.

" Madison...." I sighed. " You're a really pretty girl, but I'm in love with Sarah.... and nothing can change that." I smiled.

" Yeah... I know." she sighed.

" And besides, if it didn't work out between us.... then there's a reason for that. There's somebody out there that is going to be 10 times better then me and he's going to love you until the day you die." I promised her.

" You really think so?" she smiled.

" Yeah... I know so." I got up to hug her and she stood as well. As I was hugging her I noticed something on her computer.

" What the hell....." I whispered, letting go of her.

" What? What's wrong." she asked. As I got closer to her computer I realized it was the picture of her kissing me.... it looked like we were kissing each other.

" You posted the picture!!!!!!!!" I growled, trying to keep from killing her.

" No... someone else did... I was going to tell you but it's all over the world now... it's to late I tried to delete it and beg people not to spread it but... It's to late Michael. I'm sorry..." I could tell she wasn't lying but that still didn't change the fact that it was out there and there was no doubt in my mind that Sarah would see it and once again my life would be ruined.

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