Chapter 52

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Sarah's POV

I woke up in the hospital, rubbing my head.

" Where are we." I moaned, sitting up.

" Oh Sarah!" Alli said, getting up. " Careful, not to fast." she said, easing me up.

" What happened? How did you get out!?" I said, the memories flooding back to me.

" I snuck away while Becca was obsessing over trying to kill ash, I just couldn't watch Celine being torn apart like that and ash..." she said, choking up.

" It's ok...he'll make it. I know he will." I said, filling us both with false hope, because I really didn't know if ash was going to make it through this he had been pretty badly beaten up when they carried him away. As more memories from a couple hours ago hit me, I started to get a sinking feeling in my chest for Michael. What if he didn't make it out of this? What would happen to his fans, his career, his family,

" Do we know anything...." I whispered.

" No, nothing...not a word." said Calum, gripping the edges of his seat. This must be hard for him to, it was two of his best friends lives.

" It should have been me." Celine cried, from her seat in the corner. She was messed up bad. Her face was red as a tomato and her makeup was all over her white shirt, her eyes were totally bloodshot and puffy.

" He's to fragile He's like a puppy He can't take it! He's dead!" she wailed.

" No, no, no! Celine don't think or talk like that!" I have known ash since year 3, he doesn't give up! Especially when he has people to fight for, God will get him through this. Just think, he comes from a family of strong people, look at Lauren  she pulled through her accident! Now what do you think is different with ash!?" I half shouted. I was trying to convince Celine, and trying to convince myself as well because if either one of them didn't make it out of this... I would be ruined.

After hours of waiting, I was about ready to explode. I felt like I wanted to crawl out of my own skin. What was taking them so long! When the door opened I practically trampled the doctor for news.

" WHATS GOING ON!" I said frantically.

" Well..." he took a breath. " ash is fine." Celine sighed and began crying happy tears.

" Ok what about Michael!?" I whispered.

" He...took more of a beating." the doctor said. The whole room seemed to get smaller, and my heart caught in my throat.

" His internal organs in his abdomen were bruised when he was kicked in the stomach, and he has internal bleeding that we don't know if we can stop. The damage to his head was profound as well, he very may well have brain damage if and when he wakes up from this." he spoke the words I dreaded the most. If he made it out of this.... more like if WE made it out of this because my heart had always belonged to him, he had it with him.

Karen and Daryl were crying their eyes out, Karen clining to Daryl while he tried to calm down Tom(pretend he has a younger brother I can't take it out the story to I would have to change loads meh). His whole family was here. Karen had come right away while Daryl had taken a little longer to get here.

" When can we see him." I asked.

" There both still in the operating room, we will come and let you know when you can see them." the doctor said, leaving the room.

" I need some air..." I spoke softly, leaving the room. I walked down the halls of the cold building. The marble floor sending chills up my bare feet. Nobody in this hospital had smiles on their faces, only grimaces of pain. None of this was helping my current situation. I decided to head to the hospital chapel.

The stained glass windows were pretty, they were all portraying angels healing people. The thing I loved the most was the smell of roses and the deafining silence. I sat down on the front bench and just looked around. I remembered going to church as a kid, and watching people get healed, maybe He would do it for Michael to. I got on my knees and prayed to a God that I wasn't sure was there or not.

" If your there....and you care to listen, please help Michael through this. He's my whole life and if he dies he will take my everything with him, and Josh is my best friend....if either of them go... I'll just have to go to." I trailed off, not wanting to think of the possibilitys. " Just please....please don't let him leave me."

" SARAH! Michael is awake!" I heard Alli burst through the doors and call to me. I looked up to the ceiling and smiled...maybe He was there.Iran through the halls with Alli and into Michael's room.

Everybody had already gathered in his room and none of them looked very hopeful. I slowly made my way to his bedside, everybody stepping aside.

" Sarah we have to warn you..." I held my hand up for silence, just wanting to be alone with him, my heart, my soul, my eternal love.

" Michael..." I whispered, moving the hair out of his face. His eyes cracked open and I smiled.But the words that came out of his mouth chilled me to the core.

" Who are you...? Do I know you." My heart dropped and once again I blacked out.

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