Chapter 40

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Michael POV

When the lights turned back on and the credits came on I yanked my arm off of Leanne and jumped out of my seat. She gave me a weird look and gathered her stuff. I stretched and looked at all the people leaving. One particular girl up in the front caught my eye. She had an aqua colored dress on and she was with Harry styles , When she turned to face me my heart caught in my throat. It was Sarah! I pushed through the people in front of me and ran down the stairs as best I could. She was halfway to the door when I got down to the runway. I pushed through all the people, knocking popcorn and drinks every which way. I called her name about a thousand times, trying to catch her attention, but she couldn't hear me over the press. When I finally got out of the theater I looked all around for them but they had disappeared.... I was so close.

Sarah's POV

As I was driving home with harry I could have sworn I heard somebody call my name, it was still bugging me because I could have sworn it was.... Michael.

"Oh harry, I almost forgot tomorrow I'm recording a new song so I will be gone all day." I say

"Alright, well goodnight Sarah." He walks me to my door

"Night" I Kiss him on the cheek

"What's your deal?"

"What...." I ask

"You don't kiss me on the lips and when you do it's for like two seconds!" He complains

"No it's not!" I say

"Is there something wrong with me???" He asks me

"No it's just...."

"Just what!?" He asks and kiss him on the lips but not passionately

"There Now was that so hard?" He smiles

"No" I fake smiles but am Thinking: YES!!!!!!!!!

Michael's pov

We are currently in his Range Rover driving back to the hotel.

"It sure took you long enough to put your arm around me!" Leanne whines

"What the hell are you talking about!?"

"Don't start cussing at me!" She yells

"I'll do whatever the fuck I want!!!!!!! You are not my boss! " I yell

"ASS HOLE!!!!!" She screams

"BITCH!!!! *pulls over* GET OUT OF MY CAR AND MY LIFE!!!!!!" I scream at her


"MY GRANDMA WOULD BE BETTER THEN YOU!!!!" I scream and slams the door and I speed off Glad that's over!!!!

Sarah's POV

I went up to my room and fell onto my bed crying a little. It was hard to kiss him on the lips.... It just felt so wrong. I looked up at the ceiling and just stared at it for the longest time until somebody knocked on my door. " Hello?" I called.

" Can I come in?" My uncle asked.

" Yeah..." I said a little suspicious of what he wanted. Usually he just let me do whatever I wanted and gave me a time to be home by... He came in and sat on a chair I had.

" Look.... Sarah I know I might not be much of an uncle but from now on I'm going to try to be." he said. He must have seen the look on my face because then he went on to say: " You think I'm joking.... well I don't blame you." He said sighing. " I guess I'll just have to prove it to you." He said getting up and kissing me on the forehead. " Goodnight Sarah." He said turning out my light. " HEY!? Lights out!!!"

" Yes! See I'm already being more of an uncle!" I laughed and shook my head, covering up to my chin and falling asleep.

Leannes POV

What a friggin man whore! I can't believe he would do this to me! How could he just leave me like that! He doesn't know who he messed with! Even though it was 2 a.m. I hopped onto my computer, tweeted what "happened" and I set to photo shopping the pictures.

( The Next Day...............)

Sarah POV

I picked out something simple for recording today... I didn't feel like wearing something beautiful so I just threw on my Hollister shirt, some jeans, and put up my hair like Selena Gomez did... I liked it so I stole it from her. I left a note for my uncle and took off in my baby. I loved my car so much! I had it customized to look exactly like Bumblebee! It even had the Autobots sign! It was THE pimpest car alive! I pulled up to the recording studio, headed inside and to my normal studio. As I walked in I was greeted by all the usual people, my manager, Mike the sound booth guy, his son Josh who I always caught staring at my boobs, and Kelly my vocalist trainer. After some warm-ups I went in the room and everybody went quiet as I laid down the basics for my new song, it was called "I wanna know you like that" I secretly wrote it about Michael, but I would never tell anyone. I came out to listen to some of it when somebody totally unexpected walked in.

Leannes POV

I decided not to post , my perfectly photo shopped, pictures just yet. I was going to give Michael one more chance before I ruined his life. I jumped in my car and headed towards his house. The guards let me through, they obviously hadn't been told about what happened last night. I got out of my car and fixed my outfit. I pulled up my shorts, making the edges of my butt show and pulled my shirt down so you could see more of my boobs, I needed to be sexy for this. I walked up to the door and knocked my special knock except it was Angie who opened the door. " Oh hello Leanne."

Michael POV (btw he has a house in America as well just so you don't get confused)

As I was coming down the stairs I froze when my mum said " Leanne" I gave her the hand across the throat sign when she looked back at me, and slowly started backing up the stairs, but same old Leanne she insisted that she was let in. She technically pushed my mum out of the way and saw me on the stairs, Damn! She once again called me " Mikey" which I told her not to do about a million and one times now. She looked like a hoe to! Her shorts were way to short and her fake boobs were almost falling out of her shirt. Only Sarah could ever rock something like that although I doubt she would ever look so hoeish unless we were alone. . I was sitting in my room as far away from Leanne as possible.

"I'll give you one more chance to take me back or you'll regret it!" She starts

"Do whatever you want, but I'm not taking you back!"

"Is that your final answer?" She asks

"Yup!" I say ans pop the p

"Wrong answer!" She says and gets up and walks out* "Expect a surprise tonight on Twitter!" She warns me. What the hell is she going to do!?.........

Ends With You (A Michael  Clifford FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora