Beauty and the Beast

Start from the beginning

“No, no, I was just thinking. It’s one of those things isn’t it?”

Ginny nodded, “well would he have just kissed her or… taken it further?”

“Just a kiss.” Hermione said, because that was all he had told her.

Maybe there was more, but she had to be able to take his word, didn’t she.

“Well I suppose I would give him a good yelling at and probably ignore him for a few days… but I think I would forgive him.”

Hermione looked up. “Really?”

“Well, people make mistakes I guess. And I know he’d be sorry, you know what he’s like, he wouldn’t want to hurt anyone, especially me.”

Hermione thought about it. Draco had always been so apologetic about everything he had done. He was so gentle and caring with her and she knew how Pansy set him off. The one thing that bothered her the most was that he waited this long to tell her, not to mention the fact that he waited until right before exams.

“Plus, a kiss is just a kiss really.” Ginny added, breaking Hermione out of her thoughts.

“I suppose so.”

“In all seriousness you don’t know something do you because I will march up there and tear into him.” Ginny said and Hermione managed a laugh.

“No! I don’t.” They talked for a little more before Hermione retreated to bed before her exam.

She was going to need an impossibly good sleep before tomorrow.

Draco woke up on the morning of the charms theoretical exam feeling like crap. He rubbed his eyes and sighed as he threw on his clothes and pushed his hair back.

He was just going to have to do the best he could but he was so distracted.

He headed down to the hall where there were rows of seats set up for their exams and waited to be ushered to his seat. It was the same one as always and he looked back a little to see if she was seated yet.

She was taking deep breaths to concentrate. Her eyes flickered up to him and he swallowed hard, that vulnerable look clear on his face. She sent him a small sympathetic smile before looking down at her paper.

He spun back around and exhaled. She wasn’t totally repulsed by him.

“Before we commence I will go through with you the rules and structure of the examination…” the stiff looking woman here to supervise the exam began speaking and suddenly he felt ill.

So it begins.

After the exam Draco ran to catch up with her outside the hall. He felt pretty good about his exam and so he had a little more confidence in talking to her. He tapped her shoulder and when she saw that it was him he took her hand and guided her into a hidden corner.

“What are you doing?” She asked, looking around.

“You know that I’m sorry, I just wanted to make sure-”

“Draco! Stop.” She said, putting her hands on his shoulders. “I forgive you okay? But you just need to leave me alright? You dropped this on me right before exams and I need to focus so please just let me do that.”

“But I-”

“No buts! Please, I forgive you but I just need to focus right now. I’ll see you after the last exam.” She gave him a small smile and pulled away from him.

Hermione and Draco, a Forbidden Fantasy (Dramione) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now