The cat get's out

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I don't know where I am or what is going on. This place looks like a hospital and there is an iv in my arm. Slowly the memories set in. I was going home and--
''Lily? Lily. Oh my God.''
''Baloo? What's going on?''
''You fainted baby, you'll be alright. Wait. I'll get the nurse.''
Minutes later, a nurse walks in together with people I am not sure I want to see. There was Baloo, Tony, Mr. James (Baloo's father), and Mama. This would be a good time to die.
Mama is in tears and she tries to hold me but the nurse was still fumbling with me.
"How is she?" Mama asked still crying."
The nurse replies with a hearty smile, "she's ok. I told you it is just a slight infection from the abortion. It's a good thing she came here on time, or was brought here rather. She'll leave with you soon.''
I think I am having a heart attack. I was out for a few minutes and now my life is over.
The nurse leaves and I prayed to faint again, but nothing. Mama still crying, blames Baloo for hurting me. Then she insists Mr.James pay all the hospital bills since his son had taken my 'purity'. The height of hyprocrisy!
Mr. James seemingly not bothered agrees to pay everything. I am sorry for myself and for Baloo. He looks worried and embarrassed. I am positive I will be murdered by my Father when we get home. Mama cries. I cry. I cry because I will never see Baloo again.

"You better stay away from that boy or any other for that matter! " hissed Mama. Your Father won't hear about this. I will discipline you myself! You whore!" What's worse is that Mama thinks trusting Reuben to keep an eye on me for boys is a good idea. Once again, here he is. Staring from his dark face, and his darkest places.
Once again, he is to 'look after me'.

I stare at the angry face of my Papa as he subjects me to humiliation. He makes me sit on the floor while he threatens all kinds of things. Mama is crying again. Begging for mercy. Begging that her daughter won't be sent away. ''She is my only one" she begs. ''We have a son! Papa screamed at her. This whore is not my daughter! Reuben who is standing idly by with arms folded smirked when Papa says, "we have a son."

Papa won't beat me because I'm sick. Tomorrow, I shall pay Baloo a visit. He needs to know we might be over.

I know Reuben told Papa despite his promise to Mama that he won't mention.

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