His reaction

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''I can't have a fucking baby! I'm 17!'' Balogun looks crazy and he is screaming. I knew he would be upset, but this is my child too...and I am sixteen. ''Baloo please...your fath--''
''Oh my God!'' he turns away from me clutching his head in his hands. I can hear his frantic mutterings and I am feeling incredibly alone in this. He is panicking. He is backing out... I am alone in this. I am scared and my eyes are stinging. I want to be brave; I knew Baloo would be upset, but he is actually ignoring me now...
''Baloo...? He stays quiet. A single tear escapes and I am physically shaking. My words come out in a whisper. ''Baloo please....'' Nothing still. Ok then. Coward. With a swift motion I wipe away my single tear and force the tears back. I am out the door in a millisecond with no idea what to do next. I fight the urge to look back and I do anyway. Nope. He is not coming after me.

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