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Cherie brought me to an arcade and there were really huge stuff to play with. I was excited of playing the  big air hockey I saw on the center of the room. I quickly dragged Cherie towards the air hockey. "Ow..." , "C'mmon, let's play!" I shouted at her. 

And so I quickly grabbed the mallet and dropped the hockey puck on the middle. "Ryouichi, are you sure you want to challenge me? Cause, I've beaten many people in air hockey." Cherie said with a big smirk on her face. Hmm, she can be really wild sometimes eh? I like it. "Oh, don't you worry miss O'so sporty, I can handle you!" I shouted. "Be ready!" she shouted. I hit the puck first then it hit the sides with a zig zag motion until Cherie reached it then hit it  hard, so hard that it directly went to her goal. "Err, my bad!" she told me. 

"Tsk tsk...I'll get revenge!" I said then again dropped the puck. I hit it hard and it almost went to my goal when Cherie reached it again and scored a point. Errr...I hate losing! "Hey, let's have a bet!" I said. "If you lose, you'll be my girlfriend for a week and If you win I'll do whatever you want." , "What "girlfriend"?!" she said. "Hmph, well it's on! I have a very special idea on what'll you do when I win..." she gave me a devilish look. "HA! Well it's on...Well you know what  the word "girlfriend" means right? It means being romantic and intimate." I said teasingly. "I'm ready to win!" I said. 

"Heck Yeah! You will lose!" she shouted then some people came close to us to watch us. "Total score is over 10!" I said. Cherie dropped the puck and started hitting it. The motion was slow and so I had the chance to hit it hard. "So slow..." I said with a smirk. Cherie looked hopeless. I hit it hard and scored a point. "1-0!" I shouted. "Err, I won't let you get away with this!" she shouted...

The game became very long until it was already a tie "9-9!" She shouted. "So this is the final round eh?" I said. I laughed hard then suddenly she luahged harder...

"BWAHAHAHAHHAHA! I'm so excited, I'll enjoy you suffering when I win!" She shouted. "I'm more excited!" I shouted back. And so the final round began. Cherie hit the puck hardly that it hit the side of her goal then again went back to her place then slipped off my goal. "WIN! WIN! WIN!" I was overjoyed. "NOOOOO!!! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING..." . "Well it is now..." I said. She had this weird face that appeared before me. She became paranoid. "Hey, are you really taking my joke seriously?" I asked. 

"HAHAHA! I was just playing around y'know. Don't you worry, Cherie..." I said comforting her. She started to whimper. She started to hide her face. "O-okay...I'm sorry!" I said. Then people started staring at us and I heard whispers.  I grabbed her shoulders then told her "Okay, Cherie...I'll do anything you want!" then she lift up her face. "HAHA! Well you said it!" she exclaimed. She got me...

Cherie dragged me to a kebab station. "Okay now buy me two sandwhich kebabs!" She ordered. "Is that you want me to do? Is that all?" I wondered what's so interesting about that. "Well what do you want me to do?" she asked. "You're not going to do something inappropriate?" , "Uhmm, what?" she asked. "Okay nevermind, I might give you an idea." . "Here..." she gave me the other kebab sandwich. "Their kebabs are delicious!" . "Hey, if you think I'm not yet done ordering you what I want, well you're wrong." I heard her say while I was about to grab a bite on my kebab sandwich.

As I was eating, my tongue became hot. It was spicy. "HAHAHAHA! My bad... I put TOO much hot sauce over it!" Cherie laughed out loud. I can see she's having fun I've never seen her like this before. During classes she was so gloomy and was hard as a rock especially when Miku disappeared. "Hmm, If you are really enjoying my pain then I think I have to accept it since I can now see your true self.  I've never seen you so happy..." I said. She blushed "What the heck are you saying?" she smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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