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I head home after the rough day in school. "Welcome hoome!" Mom said while cooking beefsteak. "Hi Mom!" I said "How's school?" We both said. "I knew you'd say that mom...Well as usual I'm tired and I don't wanna go to school again." I said with a frown. "Why the long face Cherie? Did that Kaylyn you said do something to you lately?" She said.

(Aww man, yes she did something bad. She ruined my day)I thought to myself. "No nothing really..." I lied. "You know I'm so worried about you..." She said.

"Really mom it's nothing!" I shouted. "By the way here's the result of our exam..." I gave it to her proudly cause I got a higher grade than expected.

"Wow, Cherie you really improved on your grades.... You know what, I wasn't really worried 'bout your grades, I know you're a good student. I was worried about your social life in school..." She sighed. "I only need one friend you know..." I said defensively.

"Ughh it's been a rough day mom... I think I need to entertain myself a bit." I said. "Wait aren't you gonna eat?" She said. "Nah I'm fine..." I said. I went to my room and rushed to my laptop.

Miku said she'll send me our group project so that I can edit it for later since our group mates are worthless, the only thing they do is seat there look at us or talk with other groups. I was checking on my facebook because she'll send it there until I saw a video of me on our class' group in facebook.

"What the hell am I doing there?"  then I checked it out. It was a video of me waving at Enrique when he's waving at Kaylyn. (Is this what they call fun. Really? Making fun of me makes them entertain?) I thought to myself. Well I don't care anymore until I saw who uploaded it. It was Kaylyn... Why does she hate me so much? 

I saw Miku online and I chatted her. "Miku! Didn't you know who uploaded the video? -__-." I said "I already knew who ti was it's ms. PURRRFECT... :p" She said " Don't you think we should report it?" she added. "No, never mind them Miku... It'll be more trouble." I said. "Cheriee y r u always like that? Are you afraid of them?" She said. "No I just don't want more trouble... That's all." I replied.

"I HATE THIS DAY!" I said to myself... I thought to myself that I should confront Kaylyn about what happened.


First thing in the morning I saw her in front of her locker. I approached her and I was shocked when she said "Oh HEEEY there Ms. Desperate! So you've got a crush on my boyfriend huh?" . "Are you mocking me? " I said angrily. "Why do you have to hate me Kaylyn?" I added, she was surprise when I got mad because she never seen me like this.

"Duh! You like my boyfriend..." She said. "What?! Why are you so immature? Almost everyone likes him..." I said. "Well you don't have the right to like him cause you're worthless and you have a boring life unlike mine." She said. I was about to slap her when Enrique showed up and grabbed my hand.  

"Enrique, she started it!" I said. "Well you don't need to slap my girlfriend!" He said angrily . " Sure! go get together with her. You two are really meant for each other y'know! You're both Immature people!" I said. While walking away with tears running down my face. I went to the stadium where no one else is around. I was alone... I asked myself " Why would they hate me?" 

Then I saw Miku appeared before me. She lend me a handkerchief and said " C'mmon I know your stronger than them, Cherie..." she said. " Miku, I think I'll be alone forever in my entire life with no one with me." I sobbed. " No I'm still here for you. y'know!" she said "I know how much you love Enrique... I also know how deeply heartbroken are you." She added. "But don't be depressed like that, Cherie. There are tons of men in the world, it's not like its the end of the world for you if you get dumped!" She said trying to cheer me up, I smiled at her.

"Here play this. I know you also like video games but maybe you'll find this one awesome, It's a dating sim." She said. Miku instructed me and  taught me how to play the game until I ended up downloading  the application she gave me. "I'm so grateful of having you as a friend, Miku. Your the only friend that I could ever have... Oh and God too!"   

I said. "Yeah don't forget that God loves you too,Cherie!. You know you can always have lots of friends, Cherie . You're an interesting person." She said and bid me goodbye.

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