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It was already Monday morning...

My phone rang... There was a message...

"Hey sleepy head... Wake up already!" It says... Huh? Who the heck is this?

I replied "Who are you?" then it replied immediately "Your secret Admirer!" I didn’t want to waste my time over this... So I got ready to school.

I arrived so early that no one's in the classroom but Ryouichi. "Hey friend!" he said... "Uh...Hi..." I said.

"Want to hang out on our table this lunch?" He asked... "Uhm, no thanks... I'm alright." I said. "Didn’t I tell you, I won't let you alone..." he said. "I'm fine by myself..." I said. "I'll be with you no matter what because I kept a promised to Miku...I'll follow you no matter what..." he said then let out an evil laugh... "Whatever..." I said, he annoys me all the time for this past few days after Miku's departure..."Ooooh, it's the first time I've heard you say mean things huh?" he said suddenly... "What's wrong with that?" I asked...

 "HAHA, you’re suddenly opening up to me! That's nice!" Then he laughed... WAIT AM I REALLY OPENING UP?

 "Huh?" I said. "Cherie, you sure are my type..." he said "I'll never let you go!" then he let out another of his evil laugh... "You're so annoying..." I said then he laughed again, he was having fun conversing with me...

"Pfft, what so funny about that...?" I asked then he approached me suddenly then he hugged me from behind... "I really like you... though I realized you were so stubborn..." he said his voice was so soft it was as if he was serious. "WHAT THE HECK IS IT JUST NOW?" I blurted out. Ughh, he's so annoying...He laughed again and again... "You're so funny!" WHAT'S FUNNY? PFFFT, WHAT THE HELL...

Then there was someone from the corridor..."Hey, Ryouichi..." It was Benedict... "Oh, Hey..." Ryouichi said. "Hey Ben, I can't hang out with you this lunch... I've got something important to do..." then Ryouichi glanced at me...PFFT... "Yeah, Seriously..." I said to myself.  "I asked someone for a date..." Ryouichi spurted out. "A date?" Benedict said. "Who's your date?" Benedict asked..."Her name starts with a letter... "C" ." , "Cherie?" Benedict asked... WHAT THE HELL?! Then Ryouichi answered "Nopee!" WHEW! Thought it was me...

"Her name's Cherry..." WHAT? that's even closer to my name but with different pronunciation. Then Ryouichi laughed and said "Got ya! You look really worried back there!" he told me... then I rolled my eyes..."Hey, You two are getting along eh?" Benedict asked... "No not really...I have a boyfriend." I lied...Then Ryouichi interrupted "And his name is Ryouichi..." Then he laughed again... "Okay?" Benedict said, he was really confused... "You sure are really interested in Cherie huh?" he asked Ryouichi "Of course, I am. She's even far more interesting than your dream girl, Kaylyn..."

I HATE YOU..."SEE she has rosy cheeks..." he added... "Dude she's embarrassed... stop it already Ryouichi!" Benedict ordered. “It’s fun messing around with Cherie..." he said.

I SWEAR AM GONNA KILL YA WHEN NO ONE'S AROUND... "I hate you..." I said. "What did you say? You love me?" Ryouichi laughed again... "Don't mind him, Cherie..." Benedict sympathize me...

"Pfft he looks really ridiculous when he's laughing..." I said. although he really looks cute...

"You're lying... I sometimes looked at a mirror when I laugh, I look gorgeous!" He said. "Why would you even look at a mirror when you laugh?" I said. "Well why would you sing in a washroom?" he said out of nowhere..."Hey Benedict, do you believe me when I said that Cherie's talented?" ...."I don't know...Maybe you're just messing around..." Benedict said. "Cherie, c’mon show him that I'm honest..." Ryouichi ordered me. "No way..." I said then he approached me again.

He cornered me on my seat...then he leaned to me closer... His face was so near to mine, then he whispered


"If you don't sing, I'll kiss you!"


What do I do? UGH... "Hey Ryo, that's enough!" Benedict said. Ryouichi laughed so hard that he spurted out saliva... It was so funny that even me myself laughed..."Hey who ordered you to laugh?" Ryouichi said with a serious look on his face... I rolled my eyes. "You know, you look cute when you're laughing..." He said out of nowhere..."Yeah, I agree..." Benedict also said then added "I never saw Cherie laugh..." "Dude, she's mine!" Ryouichi interrupted...

"Yeah, it was my first time to laugh in front of strangers..." I said. "Hey I'm no stranger!" Ryouichi said. "Yes you are..." I said. Then Ryouichi looked really serious then he went back to his seat..."Why do I even try to be your friend?" Ryouichi said..."Hey Cherie, he's pissed..." Benedict whispered...Oh no what am I going to do... but I think he's just messing around.

5 minutes have passed...

"Hey, apologize already!" Benedict said. "He's really serious when you called him a stranger..."

I guess I should apologize..."Uhmm, Ryouichi...I'm sorry." I went to his seat. "Kiss me first..." then he pouted his lips...


"Hey, I was just kidding!" He said.

 I rolled my eyes then went back to my seat...

Then my phone vibrated... a new text message...

"I'll always be with you..." it says. WHo the heck is this person sending me messages? Pfft, whatever...

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