Only he would understand my doubts and my fears. Hell, even Sam probably would if he had listened to me. Thinking of Sam, I finally realise that he showed up without my inviting him. That must show that he wants to talk. For all I know Jason is probably telling him my so-called ‘diagnosis’ right now. Actually there’s no probably about it, Jason will be telling him.

I guess I have a decision to make, don’t I? Do I want to talk to Sam, sort things out and go back to being the happy couple we once were? Or do I really want to take a break and make sure I have my spastic brain sorted before we start again?

While I’m on this imaginary dingy and feeling as relaxed as a girl on laughing gas, I might as well think long and hard about it. After all, Sam deserves a mature and honest answer.

The knocking at the door wakes me with a start. Can’t a girl sleep without being interrupted?

“Who is it?” I call out groggily.

“It’s Nancy, are you ok?”

“I’m fine, why?”

“You’ve been in there for ages.”

I groan and pull myself up to a standing position. “Fine, fine I’ll be out soon.”

The water has turned lukewarm so I suppose it’s time to get out and face everyone. Stepping out of the bath, I throw my clothes into the corner and wrap myself in the bathrobe provided. It’s so soft and warm it makes me instantly sleepy. Wow crying and having breakdowns really exhausts a girl!

Despite falling asleep I have made up my mind. I know what I want now and, well, as much as I hate to admit it, I have Jason and Nancy to thank for it. I’m not going to say anything yet though, I’m too exhausted. I want to have a nice long, uninterrupted sleep then I’ll talk.

I pull the plug from the bath then walk out of the bathroom. I’m only expecting Nancy to be there so you can imagine my shock when I see Sam and Jason there too. Everyone is looking at me expectantly, obviously wondering what sort of reaction I’m going to give. Thankfully my room has been put back into some sort of order and my bed is looking very welcoming. Before demanding everyone leave, I glare at Jason and walk toward him. His face crosses with fear, almost as though he’s expecting me to attack him.

Oh how tempting.

“I hate you.” I say poking his chest.

His face crosses with relief then he grins. “Is that so? Why may I ask do you share such strong negative feelings toward me? Is it because I’m right?”

I throw myself onto my bed and curl myself up into the foetal position. “Yes you’re right, are you happy now? Now I would appreciate if I could get some sleep.”

Jason and Nancy high five each other and even Sam smiles. Yep that’s just confirmed it, he knows everything. Well I suppose it makes sense but I really don’t want to talk right now.

“We were going to do dinner.” Nancy speaks up. “Remember? Besides it’s not even five!”

“I don’t care how early it is, I need a nice long sleep. I’m not hungry anyway, I just want to sleep. Perhaps I can make it up to you tomorrow?”

Nancy opens her mouth to say something but Jason covers it with his hand. “Let her sleep. We’ll force her to come tomorrow.”

“No one will force me to do anything, Jason.” I snap. “Now please just leave me alone. Well, except for Sam.” He looks at me tentatively and gives me a half smile. “If he doesn’t mind staying of course.”

Book Two - Just Enjoying My Life.... Right? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now