Miss Grouse's Home for Special Children

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Nettalyn Apiston was not an ordinary girl. Well, nobody she lived around was normal anyway, but she was peculiar, even for a peculiar. There was no reason she would stand out. She had light brown hair, with green eyes and wore extremely simple clothes she had made herself. After all, there were 11 other kids to look after in the loop, some of them young enough to not be in school. Nettalyn herself was only 13, and one of the oldest in the loop. She knew it was good of Miss Grouse to take her in, and decided to try to pull her own weight. But sometimes she wanted just one person to talk to . Even the older kids were not good for that. Most of them made her life worse than it already had to be.

" Well hello Apiston". Someone came up behind her. " Give me that." The voice of Kate Devaultz came up from behind her. She yanked the diary Nettalyn had been writing in out of her grasp.

"Sometimes I wish I had someone to talk to." Kate said, reading aloud. "Ain't I good company?" She asked, sticking her face inches from Nettalyn's own.

"Miss Devaultz! What are you doing?" The voice of Miss Grouse bubbled up from somewhere in front of her.

"Oh, ma'am, I was simply trying to cheer Nettalyn up, you see, she looked upset."

" Oh, well in that case I'll leave you to do so." Miss Grouse chirped cheerily, balancing 2 year old Harriet on her hip as she bounded away.

" You may have been saved by your ymbryne this time, but next time, you'll get zapped." Kate whispered, sparks literally popping on her fingertips.

Nettalyn sighed as the girl walked away. If only I would be able to stand up for myself.

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