Mission Briefing

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"Total passage for who?" asked Botan.

"Yeah, just who do I have to fight?" asked Yusuke.

"With a tunnel that gigantic, apparitions all the way through the C and B classes will be able to pass between worlds," said Koenma.


"Reikai ranks every demon according to their power. I never told you this because there wasn't any point. But here's a nifty frame of reference. All the demons in the upper level B class are the same strength as Toguro."

"Toguro was just a B class?" Yusuke looked like he was ready to shit his pants. "Nearly killed us all and he's just a B class?"

"The Makai is an ancient world, and it's depths are endless. In truth, there are vast parts of it's territory that Reikai has absolutely no control over."

"Well I never knew that..." trailed Botan.

"Think of the demon world as a giant, underground building. Basement after basement stretching downward into an infinite void. Out of all that, we only control half of the first basement."

"Then you're a pretty crappy ruler," said Yusuke.

"It would be bloodbaths and armageddon if we tried to take it all at once. Our only choice had been to hold our ground and expand gradually over the centuries. We cannot awake the anger of the A class, and S class, or super A class that live at the bottom. Not even my father and all of his armies can beat the S class demons."

"Now Koenma, you and King Enma are not the fighting type. If you knew of such a danger, then surely you've taken precautions," said Genkai.

"Sure. To seal off the pseudo space around Makai, spirit world has raised a powerful kakai barrier."

"Oh great, barriers. And you had us worrying over nothing," said Botan. She then realized something, "Hold then, so why are demons still passing through?"

"We had to make priorities and stop the A and S class demons above all else, but even our resources are limited. The only way to make a barrier large enough was to spread the energy into a net."

"I see, like a filter."

"Yes. While B class demons can squeeze through, the larger A and S class demons are held at bay."

"NO!" exclaimed Yusuke, "How could you sign off on a plan like that? You intentionally made it so that hundreds of demons like Toguro can just prance on over here whenever they want?"

"You have to imagine the alternative, Yusuke. If just one S class demon crossed into the Ningenkai..."

"Would someone please just tell me what your talking about?" demanded Kuwabara. "Geeze man, you know it's not my fault that my powers aren't working right now, and I can't hear what Koenma's saying. We're a team you know, and teams don't leave a member in the dark. Just keep me in the loop!" The group was silent. San took a moment to look at them, and then at her mate. Her attention went back to Koenma. "Okay, now I'm worried... What's wrong guys?" San turned to him, and briefly summed up all that had been said so far. Kuwabara's face was contorted in horror. "My life, it's just starting, there are still things I need to do! I need to marry a girl, grow my first mustache! And now you're telling me that someone's digging a big hole, so that demons like Toguro can start attacking us all at once? And there's the A and the S guys that not even spirit world can control! Has hope truly left us? Is this the end of everything?"

"Get over it," Genkai put a stop to his drama. "We'll talk about our plan in a minute. But I need to rescue Kaito first. And by me, I mean you San."

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