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Editha is a typical high school girl who loves to write.
Writing about what she feels.
Feelings that she can't show to anyone.

She's not the showy type of person.
Everytime she faces a problem, she'll keep it to herself.
Herself only.
No one knows any single detail or things about her.

Are not in her vocabulary.
For her, they're not permanent.
She believes that friends and boyfriend are meant to vanish.

"First, friends will show you a one of a kind happiness.
And then in the end, they will all abandon you.
They will all leave you with your mouth open.
Hanging in one corner, alone.
They will all leave you, when they are done using you.
When they already got what they wanted from you.

Same with a boyfriend.
He will give you the love, the care, the time, and everything that you wished for.
But behind those things, he will secretly play you like a doll.
Like a piece of shit!
He will use your body.
And after that he will change.
The things that he showed you will change little by little.
And in the end he will leave you crying
in pain
leave you
with your heart broken."
She said.

That's how she describe friends and boyfriend.
Hard and bitter.
She is a cold, heartless bitch.
That's her, no one knows why.

But what if a smart
guy tried to enter her life?
Would she let the guy in?
Or will she be forever a shadow that no one knows.

Not Edited

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