Chapter 1

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Four hundred years ago, I struck a deal to save those that I loved, that even still I outlived. The contract was to live forever, not as a vampire or any of that rubbish, but as an Immortal. Don't get the two confused, because we don't suck blood. We feed on bits of the soul that no one really needs. The part of the soul that has run its course and that is it. Why keep it around if you're not using it, right?

We also have another part of our being that we must deal with. Those that step out of line of the night world. We are like the Knights of Darkness or more to the new world, The Immortal Police. Comical if you think about it, because some of us do dress up like the Police, just in case we get caught.

"Evy we are heading back, clean your blade when we get home!" Erik our leader yells out from the rooftop above me.

Putting my sword in the sheath I look at the ash at my feet. I had taken care of a demon and a vampire tonight. It's weird because they don't like one another. But here they were, together like it was Sunday night dinner.

Jumping up in the air, I grab on to the roof edge and lift myself up. James and Kim, two of my oldest friends in this life, wait for me as always to make sure I'm not left behind because I have a habit of waiting till last minute to get home; just because I like watching the sun come up. We can last in the sunlight for a little bit, but if we stay out to long it makes us weaker to the point that we are easy to kill off like humans.

"Clean kills tonight," James tells me as he hands over my jacket.

Slipping it on a cold gust of wind comes through. It's weird to think, that we live forever, but the cold still affects us or maybe it's just us "younglings" as the elders like to call us. Like Erik likes to call us. "It's weird they were together," I tell them as we jump roof to roof to get back to the old Church that looks almost like a castle, the place we call Home.

Kim shrugs her shoulders, like it makes no difference to her. Which it really doesn't matter, but I still see it as odd. "Did you hear that we are getting newbies?" Kim asks as we start catching up with the others.

"Good, maybe Erik will find a new little friend and leave me alone." I say back to her pulling my hood up over my head.

"Oh, don't say that you know you will always be his favorite!" James says with a smile.

"And why am I, his favorite? It's not like I signed that damn contract with him. I signed it with Corral," I point out.

"Well, you are cute," Kim says with a smile, with a teasing glint in her eyes.

Looking at her, I shake my head. "You're cute, I have no assets that pulls a guy into my web," I retort moving my fingers close together like I'm weaving a spiderweb between my fingers.

James looks me over, as we stop on the last roof that will take us home. In this one jump, we will be home like every night that will soon become day. "If you wore clothing that showed off your assets then you would be more approachable to some of the guys." He tells me.

"Thank you, but I like wearing what I wear and there is nothing you two or Erik or anyone else for that matter, to get me to change the way I dress."

We set up the jump and go for it. "But what about the party in a couple of days?" Kim asks.

Oh, crap I forgot about that. Losing my focus, I miss the bell tower and start to fall. Grabbing onto one of the closed windows bellow, I pull myself up. "I didn't need to be reminded of that!" I yell up at them.

Taking out my chain sword, I spin it a couple of times and send it flying above until it slices into the stone and pull myself up to them, which only takes me a few seconds. "Oh, come on, how could you forget?!" James asks, as he opens the hatch under the bell.

"Very easily actually because I'm not going. I'm locking myself up in my room until that party ends and then I'll be yelled at and be stuck on cleaning up after everyone. Which both things I can deal with and neither one of you will say anything to Erik or the others."

"Oh, come on, it'll be a lot of fun!" James says coming in after Kim and I have gone down, closing the door behind him.

"Yes, it will be a lot of fun, watching everyone dance, talking, get drunk and you know someone will set one of the tables on fire just by drinking too much." I point out as we go down the winding stairs.

"That is the best part of it all!" Kim tells me, as we walk side by side.

Pulling my hood off my head, I fluffy my hair out a bit. "Yeah, but you know it will always happen. I mean really, how many times have we gone to one of those parties?"

"Well, they are only held every twenty-five years," James points out.

"Yes, so we have been to a lot of them, and they are always the same and you two know it."

Reaching the first stone hallway, we pass the guest doors. "It'll still be fun," Kim says to me, no doughty trying to get me to change my mind.

"Well, you two have fun for me cause I'm-"

"Evy!" a booming voice yell's out.

We walk over to the hallway wall and look bellow at Erik looking up at us. "Busted," Kim whispers.

"Come down here, I need to talk to you." He then turns and walks off into one of the bigger doors.

"Who wants to switch me places?"

"Not it!" they yell at the same time and jump over the railing wall and go down two flights until they catch themselves and pull up to the hallway.

"Chickens!" I yell, just before I jump over railing like the others, but I jump seven flights of levles, landing down on the ground below like I am kneeling on one knee.

"Have fun!" James yells.

I can't help it when I stand up and flip him off and walk to the door that Erik went through, as James and Kim laugh till the doors to the meeting room door cut us off.

Immortals (Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin