Accepting Jesus Christ of Nazereth.

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Have you accepted Jesus Christ of Nazareth into your heart? Have you made Him your Lord and Saviour? Does your life reflect your beliefs?
Many people think that God doesn't exist. Many people still think God is a myth. And I'm here today to tell you God exists and loves us so much!

People can say what they like and think what they like about this book, but everything I write is the TRUTH and is inspired by our wonderful Lord God.

You must review your life, your actions, and thoughts and everything you do -before you can say that you've accepted Jesus in your heart.

God is such a loving caring person, He is always there for you when you need Him. But the problem we are facing is reaching out to Him and accepting that He truly does love you and wants you to live your life to glorify him.

How do you reach out to Him?

To reach out to Jesus Christ of Nazareth all you have to do find him, it's like a game of hide and seek, but it's much more simple, because He is right in front of you! Just waiting for you to grab His hand.
Once you genuinely, in your heart, want to seek our Lord you can begin by:

1. Asking for forgiveness for all the sins you've committed.
You must acknowledge that you've made gone against God. Remember God forgives ALL sins, there is nothing that you've done that is a surprise to Him and He is always prepared to forgive you, no matter what. Please don't beat yourself up about it, because when God says He has forgiven you, he has. It's forgotten and in the past.

2. Praying to God

You should pray to God and ask Him to direct you in the path that is good and holy, ask Him to help you accept Jesus Christ of Nazareth into your heart
(and anything else you want to say to Him)

When we pray to God he takes delight  it, He wants to know everything going on in our lives. Prayer is also a way of drawing yourself closer to God which is very important because God's word is spiritual food for our spiritual beings.

3. Begin to live your life for God.

Anything ungodly that you used to do before you found Jesus, stop it. Because doing those ungodly things will cause you to backslide into your old ways.
It's not easy serving God but He is always there to guide us and give us direction when we are in need of it.

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