DISNEY....ish, kind of....

Start from the beginning

How many times, have you mentored the new girls coming into Panna Aria? Many, many times, now you encouraged them to take a risk and make friends, so go on...use your own advice.

Sighing, Aria knew her head was right, so she found another girl who looked maybe a little less lonely than she felt, and sat down across from her.

"Hi, my name Aria", looking at the girl in front of her. She had straight black hair with straight bangs that just covered her eyebrows (that where straight and black as well). Her eyes looked at Aria and, wow they were gorgeous a mix of blue and green...just amazing. The ends of her lips quickly turned upward, then to a firm line, before bowing her head into her book.

Goodness, what am I going to do? I need some type of support here!

After eating some of her food, Aria tried again.

"So, what's your name?"

"Leanna", she answered, before giving Aria the same response of quickly upturned lips.

Aria pushed a bit. Twisting her head to the right, she saw what book she was reading.

"The Hunger Games? I love that series!"

"Everybody does."

Now it was Aria's turn for the upturned lips.

Looking around cafeteria, she began to think. THE CAFETERIA, apparently this place is the deciding factor for all social identities in the high school. Yup, I think I'm at the bottom of this food chain.

A stifled laugh averted Aria's attention. Looking at Leanna, she saw that she was looking at her with amused look.

"Did I say that aloud? I am so sorry", the emotions came back. How could she let someone hear the inside of her? She than began to wonder, did she do it before? How many times-

"It's ok, don't worry about it, I talk to myself all the time."

Aria's eyes widened in amazement, she wasn't alone!

"It's Leanna Kacker by the way", she held out her hand.

Aria slowly put her hand in hers, and a small hand shake was preformed.


Two weeks later, Aria still hadn't gotten up. She thought she was really close to making a stand, since she now had Leanna supporting her, but another force was against her...bullies.

"Aria Van Scholt."

Aria looked up from writing notes, and saw Mr. Bauer's wrinkled pale hand with her essay in it.

"A job well done, top in the class", he said with a smile.

Aria looked at the red letter on the top of the page, A+ it read.

"Thank you Mr. Bauer".

"Reece...." His voice faded, as he walked away from her desk.

Aria heard the snicker from behind her.

Oh why did he have to say "top in the class"? In other circumstances I would be proud, but in this one I feel ashamed. Why? How? Why do they have to dictate, how I feel, how I act, how I am...

"Aren't you just perfect?" The girl's voice dripped with sarcasm from behind Aria.

Aria's whole body stiffened, and the girl behind her snickered once more.

Nikola was her name (Nicki for short), and she was the most "popular". Usually it's like, popular girl, popular boy, but no, apparently Nicki had worked her way up to the top of the food chain, and everyone looked to her.

And then she thinks that me, the new girl from the private school wants to defy her prominence, by all means honey, I don't want any of that...but I wonder what did she have to do to get this power, how does she feel with it, does it really make her happy? I feel sad for her, but also annoyed because what did I do? I know! NOTHING!!

The bell rang, just has Aria was finishing up her notes. Quickly packing up, Aria wanted to get out of class as soon as possible, not wanting to deal with Nicki. Heading straight for the cafeteria, Aria got her food and went to sit with Leanna.

"Now what did she do?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yes, yes it is, now spit it out."

Wow, she knows me well

"She called me perfect."

Leanna raised her eyebrow in slight confusion, "and...."

"That's all."

Leanna sighed, putting the second book in the Matched series down. She gave Aria a motherly smile before starting to talk.

"Aria, you need to know that..."

Her eyes widened in fear at something behind me.

"What are you-"

Aria felt a strong hand push on her back, causing her head to fall inside her bowl of tomato soup.

Nicki gasped in fake surprise, "oh I'm so sorry Aria, Ben can be a bit clumsy". And with that, Nicki and her posse walked from the table.
Gritting her teeth, Aria received the napkin Leanna gave to her. As she wiped her face, Leanna sighed and began to speak.

"Well Aria, I want to let you know that I'm here, always beside you, supporting you. Okay?"
Why? That's all I want to know, why.

"That's all I want to know too, Aria."
Aria's eyes looked to Leanna's from their original downcast position. The girl was on the edge as well, her faith was shaking as she supported Aria.

"Can we go to the bathroom? I'm not feeling that hungry anymore."
Leanna nodded and together the girls put their food away and headed to the bathroom.

Just as they were entering, Nicki and some of her friends exited, laughing wildly. They all looked at Aria and Leanna, before starting to laugh wilder than before.

Glancing at Leanna, Aria saw that she rolled her eyes before dragging Aria by the wrist into the bathroom.
"Ok, so I actually need to go, so wait for me", Leanna said before entering a stall.
Aria rested her palms on the counter, sighing.

"You don't deserve any of what is happening to you."

Startled by the new voice, Aria turned to her left to see a thin girl with caramel skin, and dark curls. Aria couldn't get a good look at her because she quickly brushed past Aria, heading out the door. What was funny was that she was a popular, she was recognized because she was wearing pink.
The only problem is that today is THURSDAY. Y'all need a lesson.
But Aria pondered what she said.
Why does she care?....

"Suspicious activity that's probably fake", Leanna answered. She was now drying her hands and once again pulling Aria by the wrist, out of the bathroom.

"Come on, we have Science together."
So many thoughts flooded Aria's mind.
Why? When? Wh-STOP. You know what you need to do...DO IT.

"Hold on Leanna." Now Aria pulled Leanna back towards her.
"I'm gonna do it, I will stand for myself."

Leanna gave Aria a questioning look.
"Aria you know that-"

"Leanna, it's time."

Leanna paused her thoughts for a moment, before her eyes widened slowly and she gave her signature upturn lips.

"It's time." She answered.
Aria finally did it, she stood. Yes it took some help, Abigail (the girl in the bathroom) proved to be a friend, and together with Leanna they supported Aria.
She had her viewers on the edge of to long, if she didn't act now, they would fall off.
Slowly, but surely, with grace, the willow tree stood. Using the wind as an ally it rose to its full height again.
From my heart to yours,
A/N: Its DONE!!! Ack! I've been working on it all day! Okay tell me what you think, vote and comment!!! Tell me what you enjoyed about it. I pray it touched you in some way or another. :)
I'm sorry that it took so long for me to update ...school got busy.
And I want t sure what I would relight about... ;)

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